Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wedding Favours Chapstick

initiatives (part II)

... Here it is also a very nice second initiative:
All the senses of the story
From January to March this year in our country are also activated sensory workshops and meetings tales tactile and fables in Li s.
meetings for all children and especially for i bambini sordi e i bambini ciechi.
Questa iniziativa si svolge nella città di Firenze.

Il laboratorio creativo permette di passare dalla percezione tattile al racconto i bambini attraverso l' esplorazione di diversi materiali e la costruzione di un libro tattile.
Verrà inoltre sperimentato il codice braille (di cui ho parlato nel post del 10 dicembre) e materiale in rilievo.

Slogan di questa manifestazione si può considerare Le Mani Raccontano” . Le favole vengono rappresentate in lingua dei segni con voce fuori campo.

There will, however, group games, mime, drama.

This event also provides the 'encounter with a deaf educator then an encounter with a blind writer open to all children from 3 to 6 years with an adult.

I believe that this initiative can be a way to raise the awareness of people.
As future educators to participate in such initiatives I think is very useful. These are "conventions" that allow me to see what will be my future. Besides the theory studied in the different courses is essential to have a feedback practical, that is often missing.


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