Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do Laptops Impact Female Fertility

... even when we sleep

What movements, gestures and other nonverbal cues accompany our interpersonal interactions is now common knowledge.
Not so obvious is the idea that the posture we assume when we sleep we say something.
Chris Idzikowski, Professor at the University of Surrey in England, has studied the relationship between personality and way of sleeping on a sample of 1000 individuals.
He discovered that we tend to take on six types of positions, each posture so called "picturesque" in relation ricordare.Quando to what can develop a preference for the location where you fall asleep, we tend to bed in the same way.
These positions have taken it the name fetal trunk, eager, soldier, etc. free fall ...
We see some curious features of these positions of sleep: The
fetal position is the most common, used mainly by women, who huddle. This sleep mode is typical of those who are sensitive and generally shy. The
trunk is a posture that resembles that of a soldier at attention with arms at your sides and legs together. The whole body also rests on its side. Who gets sleep in this way is kind of an extrovert and loves to be among people also tend to be pretty confident in others. The
eager is the position of the side with both arms raised to shoulder height. Who is it at night, is inclined to be open to the next. The soldier
is the position of those who sleep prone with their arms spread to the trunk and legs dritte.Queste people are usually quiet and reserved. The free fall
: the body is supine, the arms are raised and around the pillow. Who falls asleep in it, tends to be comfortable with others, but I'm also nervous and touchy subject, also do not like the emotions are too strong. The
starfish is a position where you recline on the back, arms and legs outstretched. The people who usually sleep so I'm sociable and friendly, come in as good listeners, ready to rush to the rescue of others.

The position we take to fall asleep and then reflects our personality. But not only that an investigation has shown that the way in which we fall asleep also affects the emotional state of our sogni.In this research is in fact found that those who usually sleeps on the left side more easily suffer from nightmares or restless sleep, while people who sleep on the right side on average, have a more restful sleep and peaceful.

What do you think of this research?
I personally believe that studies are very interesting and curious, such as those related to the study of proxemics, facial expressions (signs to see who lie ... etc.) but generalized too much.
not remember that each of us is a unique person, this unique feature and makes every man a special resource!
So all these notions should not be taken as "gospel" but curiosity that make communicating more colorful ...


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