Saturday, January 31, 2009

Headache From Crest Whitestrips

"Madam, we are aware of the moment but we have to up the tempo, I'm sorry. I said, her boyfriend has left written something or has ever expressed a willingness to donate organs after his death ?
not true. It is not possible, I just saw lead away the body of Claudio, I am going to follow him, dead, wherever they are carrying and asks me what this asshole? Quiet, Monica, quiet.
"We never talked about but the problem does not arise, I do not think he had only one healthy organ in the body."
"Well, that's up to us to decide. I mean, certainly not in the liver-optimal conditions"
"And his heart broke, wants to blow me too? !? Talk to her sister, we are not even married, is that you have to ask her these things, I just lost the person you loved most in the world to me I do not give shit about what to do with his body, inside there's Claudio, there's more! Call your sister, her name is Silvia.
The sensitivity is reset by dint of having to deal with death. Today is also a part of me has ceased to live. I start another life, without joy and with the effort of the previous year. The legacy of love lost is a white handkerchief, edged with lace and useless even to wipe the sweat or blow his nose.
Eleanor is waiting for me in the car. I wish there it was, it disappeared, which did not exist. I wish I'd been to see Claude for last, not her and that other bitch.
tremble with rage and grief, she looks at me with eyes rimmed and desperate, not talking, weeping silently, took off his glasses. I never noticed how blacks were his eyes.
"You want me to drive?" They took him to St. John. "
"What a jack ass. He would have appreciated the irony of fate. What will Dr. VanPelt, will pay a tear for the poor worm defeated or will mark another notch on the common fund for victims of alcohol ?
Eleanor continues to stare and cry.
"But why oh why? And how could you not realize what was going on? I mean, you came to lunch with your friend Claudio, and knowing what had passed, at least you tried to stop him from drinking? I know that no one can shit, could make him change his mind but thou hast thou tried to stop him? Gliel'hai told him not to, he was making the biggest mistake of his life? Eleono 'I was not there when he died, a stranger and you were there beside him, even that bitch just because you were when I got to the bathroom! What happened is this? How to die, torn apart by an invincible demon from the jaws of which 've decided to throw ... The ', this is suicide, Claudio decided to die! "
beside the car, Maggi Mario blows his nose, with a small white handkerchief edged with lace. She cried, as the witch and the woman of his friend real cocky but fragile. This would embrace, comfort her, reassure her, offer her a cup of tea with lemon cookies that Mom made before the memory of the Luisa went to pieces. But he is forbidden to approach, talk to her. When I can see him Again, only then can try to explain what happened and actually the fate that awaits them. The pain between them, the same pain that now combines the two women.
But Norma ...?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wedding Favours Chapstick

initiatives (part II)

... Here it is also a very nice second initiative:
All the senses of the story
From January to March this year in our country are also activated sensory workshops and meetings tales tactile and fables in Li s.
meetings for all children and especially for i bambini sordi e i bambini ciechi.
Questa iniziativa si svolge nella città di Firenze.

Il laboratorio creativo permette di passare dalla percezione tattile al racconto i bambini attraverso l' esplorazione di diversi materiali e la costruzione di un libro tattile.
Verrà inoltre sperimentato il codice braille (di cui ho parlato nel post del 10 dicembre) e materiale in rilievo.

Slogan di questa manifestazione si può considerare Le Mani Raccontano” . Le favole vengono rappresentate in lingua dei segni con voce fuori campo.

There will, however, group games, mime, drama.

This event also provides the 'encounter with a deaf educator then an encounter with a blind writer open to all children from 3 to 6 years with an adult.

I believe that this initiative can be a way to raise the awareness of people.
As future educators to participate in such initiatives I think is very useful. These are "conventions" that allow me to see what will be my future. Besides the theory studied in the different courses is essential to have a feedback practical, that is often missing.

How Much Jon Cryer Makes An Episode

wonderful beginning (part I) Small

I'm delighted to have found in internet some curious and very very good initiatives introduced in our Paesea for certain population groups "most unfortunate" that are often overlooked. This shows in the case of persons who are deaf or deaf and dumb greater sensitivity to stress that I believe is right.

Sometimes I wonder why the news must convey bad news and not to reserve a place for spreading good news. I noticed that the tragedy becomes more and more buzz, but it is not right! I think life is a high and low moments of positive and negative, which in turn helps to grow ... Why sometimes do not speak of joy, happiness!

In this new year 2009 from January to June was initiated
should be really interesting ...

The program includes a search of the meaning of the gesture, the sign and the potential of the theatrical and cinematic language.
years of the actor: body work, expression, awareness of emotions, relationships with others. And finally
techniques theater deaf and hearing and visual construction of scenes and characters: integration expression of the face and body, sign, gesture, mime, clown techniques.
the end of this route will be made even a show.
wonderful start !!!!!!!!! What do you think?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Vaganiam Bacterial Infection

very significant story: The body speaks

I propose to follow a nice story that underlines what we said in previous posts: the importance of listening !

Mauro came from a good family with loving parents, two brothers and a sister, who had success in school life sociale.Vivevano in a nice neighborhood, and Mauro had everything a kid could want. But in elementary school, Mauro was immediately labeled as a subject "special." In the middle was the "misfit troublemaker." In high school he began to expulsions and ringed disastrosi.Una votes Sunday, a teacher crossed the family and said: "Mauro is doing very well in this periodo.Siamo very satisfied with him. " "Perhaps you are confusing us with another family ...», his father said." Our Mauro does not ever guesses una.Siamo very embarrassed, and we do not know understand why. "While the teacher was going, the mother remarked: "But think about it, Maureen was not in trouble last mese.Inoltre has always gone to school soon, and has always stopped more than necessary. What will he be going?. "Upon delivery of the first report card, Mauro's parents were expecting low grades and notes on comportamento.Invece unsatisfactory ratings on the report card were more than sufficient, and a special mention in condotta.Mamma and dad were shocked . 'Who did you sit around, to get those votes? "asked Dad with sarcasm." I did everything myself, "he said humbly Mauro.Perplessi and not completely convinced, Mauro's parents took him back to school to talk to the headmaster. He assured them that Mauro was doing very well. "We have a new teacher, and it seems she has a particular influence on Mauro," he said. "I think you should know it. "When the trio came up, she had her head abbassato.Le it took a while to realize that he visits. When he realized, stood up and began to gesticulate with his hands. "What's that?" Asked the outraged father of Mauro. "Sign Language? This woman is deaf and dumb. "" That's why it is so extraordinary, "said Mauro, putting himself in the middle." She does a lot more, Dad. You can listen . "

You can exchange text messages with many words and many many people, and feel deeply alone. If no one is that you "really listen" to serve many words?
really listen is knowing how to love ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do Laptops Impact Female Fertility

... even when we sleep

What movements, gestures and other nonverbal cues accompany our interpersonal interactions is now common knowledge.
Not so obvious is the idea that the posture we assume when we sleep we say something.
Chris Idzikowski, Professor at the University of Surrey in England, has studied the relationship between personality and way of sleeping on a sample of 1000 individuals.
He discovered that we tend to take on six types of positions, each posture so called "picturesque" in relation ricordare.Quando to what can develop a preference for the location where you fall asleep, we tend to bed in the same way.
These positions have taken it the name fetal trunk, eager, soldier, etc. free fall ...
We see some curious features of these positions of sleep: The
fetal position is the most common, used mainly by women, who huddle. This sleep mode is typical of those who are sensitive and generally shy. The
trunk is a posture that resembles that of a soldier at attention with arms at your sides and legs together. The whole body also rests on its side. Who gets sleep in this way is kind of an extrovert and loves to be among people also tend to be pretty confident in others. The
eager is the position of the side with both arms raised to shoulder height. Who is it at night, is inclined to be open to the next. The soldier
is the position of those who sleep prone with their arms spread to the trunk and legs dritte.Queste people are usually quiet and reserved. The free fall
: the body is supine, the arms are raised and around the pillow. Who falls asleep in it, tends to be comfortable with others, but I'm also nervous and touchy subject, also do not like the emotions are too strong. The
starfish is a position where you recline on the back, arms and legs outstretched. The people who usually sleep so I'm sociable and friendly, come in as good listeners, ready to rush to the rescue of others.

The position we take to fall asleep and then reflects our personality. But not only that an investigation has shown that the way in which we fall asleep also affects the emotional state of our sogni.In this research is in fact found that those who usually sleeps on the left side more easily suffer from nightmares or restless sleep, while people who sleep on the right side on average, have a more restful sleep and peaceful.

What do you think of this research?
I personally believe that studies are very interesting and curious, such as those related to the study of proxemics, facial expressions (signs to see who lie ... etc.) but generalized too much.
not remember that each of us is a unique person, this unique feature and makes every man a special resource!
So all these notions should not be taken as "gospel" but curiosity that make communicating more colorful ...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cold Blooded Vs Warm Blooded Respiration Rates

Being educators: a continuing challenge

After much talked about in this blog of the deaf and dumb persons, deaf persons alluded to, brought the 'example of a child with difficulties and many other issues ... I wonder as a future educator, what can I do, first person, in a profitable way to integrate these people into society? How to better educate them?

How many times repeated in the courses I am pursuing education is exposed to many risks. Educare I think something very complex, it is a CHALLENGE involving teacher and student. A very, very difficult challenge probably "get complicated" but at the same time is more "exciting" when I have to compare with people who have more difficulty, perhaps because the disabled, drug addicts with or behind a life situation very delicate and complex.

As an educator, as well as person, I wonder about what is the best way to be able to make my educating can be self-sufficient, able to overcome all obstacles which might arise, and more.

I believe that life is a challenge for everyone, every day we have to overcome small or large unexpected. How can I be of help to those around me in an appropriate manner? There are many questions which can be drawn when it comes to education, "to be educators ...

Since in my blog I have long spoken of the deaf and dumb people: which teaching methods or techniques could be used to educate these people? Through what means? Personally, I imagine a lot of educational interventions related to the concrete, the use of creative materials that pin to the young-adult to express himself. With this first approach may know my partner but then how to proceed?

One thing I would add Take our hands by educating (child, adult, elderly, drug addicts etc ...) and walk with him!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Customizable Sports Pinnies

In the dream, Claudio and I are in a huge green lawn, with lots of grassy hills, looks like a golf course, but some of them have a door and windows at the base. Do you expect to see Frodo out at any moment.
Norma is the crazy, running and chasing butterflies, jumps and falls as the most awkward of topicane gets up and barking at us. The sun is up and enlighten us all as a wonderful love.
"How wonderful this place, Cla '."
Suddenly a cloud, the meadow is dark and my vision goes to black and white. A big man, a little bit Commissioner Maigret and Nero Wolfe, is published by a house-Hill. He takes off his hat and presents.
"Hi Monica, it was time we met in person."
I turn to my man but it's gone, and also no trace of the white dwarf.
"Who are you? I know, is a friend of Claudio?"
"And now. My name is Mario, Mario Maggi. I think the good Claudio has talked about me."
The golf course has become a playground Children of the Sixties. One slide, two swings, a carousel and the man with the pony.
"Ponies! I love ponies! Where is Norma, I want to take a ride!"
But Norma is gone, as Claudio.
"Mario Mario Mario, make me take a ride on pony? Come on, please please please!"
Monica girl pulls her coat dell'omone that, with a melancholy smile, puts it on the horse.
E 'happy, he had forgotten the immensity of these moments, the simplest and most intense pleasures. The joy, the thrill of adventure, fear that makes her feel brave at the same time gives you the confidence that the presence of that gentleman.
"I love you, Mario!"
It 's the voice of Eleonora. While regained consciousness, I slowly clears the view. E 'together with others never seen. That carry the shirts. Claudio ... God, no.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Run Python From Batch

The color of silence

The color of silence. .. You know what?
It 's the international bibliographic dictionary of deaf artists. (Milan, 2007, published by Mondadori Electa) available in bookstores throughout Italy.
"The color in the silence" is a book that collects for the first time extensive biographical and iconographic documentation relating to deaf Italian and foreign artists.
Why are there so many deaf artists in art history? As affecting the particular artistic creation, the most acute sensitivity to perceive la realtà di chi nasce sordo o perde l’udito?
La ricerca condotta per un dizionario internazionale, che risponde a queste domande e contribuisce a colmare una lacuna importante nella letteratura sulla “cultura sorda”, è pubblicato in occasione del 3° Convegno Nazionale sulla Lingua dei Segni (Verona).
Dalle ricerche condotte in Italia, ma anche all’estero emerge come la modalità visiva dei Sordi rappresenti uno strumento privilegiato di espressione e comunicazione con esiti talvolta altissimi e sorprendenti .
Facendo un breve escursuss tra alcuni artisti famosi spicca l'esempio di Goya , il quale diventò sordo (all’età forty-six years) after an illness, an experience that influenced his character and profondamentesul on his painting, which appear increasingly dramatic accents, nightmares and tension.
Goya is not the only example we also see Pinturicchio or English portrait painter Joshua Reynolds.
The painting seems to be in some cases, the preferred artistic medium through which darevoce to a difficult life, sometimes marked by exclusion and loneliness.
We thank this perspective deaf people through whom we have known the true nature of COMMUNICAT one: that part from ' soul.
It is hoped that the book "The Color of Silence" is a new opportunity to raise awareness and cum-swapping between the world of the deaf and the hearing world.

and in connection with awareness-raising I would like to report some news of a project begun in 1992 with a group of hearing children in an elementary school in Rome.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthis project started by the children of that school, which after seeing deaf children playing in a park and mark each other, parents have expressed a desire to learn the "strange" language made by hand.

It 's so that fourteen hearing children followed for an hour a week course of lessons LIS taught by a deaf teacher from first to fifth grade.
During the course, the teacher has only used the gestural mode, with no voice support.
This experience reminds me that I personally have taken the course in high school I attended and I think it is useful at an early age, such as primary, when children have a greater capacity for learning.

LIS Children have learned through play, stories, dramatization of the actions of everyday life, the play. At the end of each school year have been staged in the theater performances in school signs on some stories, in front of an audience of parents and teachers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lic Old Jeevan Suraksha Scheme

Bar of silence: The Milan

few days ago, listening to the news about Italy I heard a very interesting service: two young Chinese have opened in downtown Milan, the "bar of silence."

sopprattutto This bar is frequented by people all deaf and dumb, and then communicate using gestures.

The two young owners of the bar said they learned more easily gestures to communicate with deaf people compared to the Italian language.

were suggestive few quick scenes that have appeared in the service where a hearing person said to enjoy this bar as a meeting place and personal growth.

Some deaf people have then made the New Year's greetings in Lis or sent a message to those who would see him at home. In addition, an old man passing for a coffee he wanted to "engage" in some conversations with the signs ... learning with great enthusiasm to say "cappuccino" ...

I propose below a small article from the newspaper that talks about this initiative:

In via Boscovich of the meeting of the people quiet. We played cards and communicates with sign language.

... To request a coffee mimics the act of bringing the cup to his mouth. Arms up around the ears - as if to say - meaning "cappuccino". The "Moroccan" is a middle ground. Elbows, wrists, fingers. All the half-length helps to express "Lis", the sign language. There is a bar on the corner of Via and Via Boscovich Settembrini where every day you find the deaf and dumb.
The restaurant is spacious with many tables, is open to all but four in the afternoon on is a favorite of silent customers. 20 to 60 years. They play cards, read, organize excursions and happy hours.
a couple of years the place is run by a couple of Chinese, Jin, and Jian Nu him, her. The young waitress who helps them is Dan Dan All three understand sign language very well. "These are customers usual, we know we have learned and attending the meaning of their gestures, "says Dan Dan Some have also expressed verbally, as Gianluca, student, Letters from the University attended:" I do not speak very well but I manage, the deaf people are not all equal. For example, I've learned from the great lis, at eighteen, to find better friends. To understand who we read about the movements of the lips, it is almost natural for us. "
The language of gestures is learned now, he says his girlfriend Martina, who is also deaf and dumb student. "We are attentive to looks, the gestures of the face, for us the body is word" [...]

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Shaved Or Unshaved Penis

secret ways of nonverbal

In one day each of us has any way to stop and talk with people known and unknown. We communicate in many ways and often the words are not the preferred way through which pass the information. For example, during a work meeting, an executive asked a foreman if he has problems in dealing with his colleagues. "Absolutely not," replied the captain, but unintentionally nods his head. The officer frowns, worried. This occurs because when you do not know whether to believe what you hear or what you see, body language will prevail, as a privileged vehicle for "truth." A mother discovers that the three year old daughter has dirtied the entire kitchen with flour. "You do not have to play this way," he says, but he can not hide a smile. The next day, without any hesitation, the girl goes to re-open the same drawer: for her, the smile on the face of the mother was still a license to play that way. are the children better than adults to be able to distinguish between what one says and what it really means. Every day, hundreds of situations, the gestures are to speak louder than words . In this regard, the psychologist Paul Ekman writes that " talk to the vocal cords, but we communicate with facial expression, with tone of voice, his whole body. " As children this ability is very obvious, with the growth has ceased and we tend to rely on verbal aspects . Children capture the first non-verbal messages: they are smaller, and more importantly non-verbal communication, because they have that one.

Smiling just to mask cioò you really think?
If your boss smiles while exposing an idea, it is premature to think diavia convinced. Ekman believes that the smiles are much more complicated than you might imagine
, "and has classified
18 different types, almost all false . One of the most common in the workplace is what the upper spessousano to reject an idea or to criticize an employee.
In this smile the corners of the mouth are usually stationary and the upper lip a bit 'relieved.
So on what you tell if a smile is genuine ?
must look at the top of a person's face. The genuine smiles involve the muscles that are squinting into an expression of pleasure.
Who are the best "interpreters" of non-verbal language?
Babies react to body language: a child feels tension from the way his mother holds him in her arms and began to cry.
If the mother is quiet, even the little calm down.
Parents can learn through careful observation to understand the nonverbal messages of the children when they are angry, vent as the tension and how they react to stress.
To learn how to use body language and communicate more effectively used to tune into the personal way in which we talk about during the day, he gestures and moves. There are those who roll up their hair with his fingers and who plays with his pen. If you learn to control these habits, you can not communicate their feelings with words.

to practice in personal study of non-verbal language may be to focus on received handshakes and dates. Close inspire more confidence that is firm and dry, it exerts a strong but not excessive pressure for as long lasting contact.
Another important element is to dwell on the vision: there are people who look the other straight in the eye and others who can not bear the look, if you do not feel uncomfortable.
encounter with another person is also important to note the position and movements of the body. Sometimes it takes a position in refusing dialogue (arms folded and legs crossed), we look forward to (the foot that beat rhythmically) or more.
understanding of body language is one of the most useful things you can learn. If you know "read" what others communicate unknowingly, may discuss issues before they become problems.
addition, non-verbal messages arising from the real needs and attitudes of the person. To be comfortable in all situations and get along well should be given due weight and expression to the intimacy and feelings, without force and disclaimers.
When you feel good about yourself, you see.

People who "know" are those that speak and move with more tones and gestures, relaxed, and they live across the spectrum of human feelings.