Thursday, December 18, 2008

What Should I Wear Ina Tornado

signs are international or local ...

In previous post we dimostarto that there is no international sign language, and although they belong to different regions or cities deaf Italian easily and quickly able to understand each other despite differences in dialect.
The groups with the largest number of variations are the days of the week, months of the year, colors and nouns are not frequent.

Some examples:
>> Let's see how in many Italian cities they say the word "yellow":
>> The same sign can have completely different meanings in different languages signs, we see the sample below:

Nell'immagine a sinistra il gesto significa "Roma" in Lis mentre nell'immagine a destra significa "nome" in Asl

>> Uno stesso significato viene espresso in modo diverso nelle varie lingue, vediamo le diversità del segno per “mamma”:

Nel primo caso la parola "mamma" è detta in Lingua dei segni Danese, nel secondo caso Lingua dei segni Italiana, successivamente Lingua dei segni Cinese e infine Americana.

In your opinion, all these differences between nations or cities are caused by some specific factors?


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