few days ago I saw on the television show "Doctor Clown" and I came to mind that I published a post regarding the importance of a smile.
so I wanted to try to deepen the curious world of comicoterapia or also known as ClownTerapia. None of you ever seen the movie with Robbie Williams' Patch Adams?
so I wanted to try to deepen the curious world of comicoterapia or also known as ClownTerapia. None of you ever seen the movie with Robbie Williams' Patch Adams?
Why comicoterapia - ClownTerapia is the discipline which is normally identified with the practice of bringing a smile and good humor in hospitals and centers for the disabled and has been made famous by a medical doctor named Hunter Patch Adams.
The smile is considered a business card that tells how you relate to others but not only ... Laughing is much more, is an effective tool in the process of curing a disease.
The laughter can be compared to a medicine for the sick and not for the disease.
L to comicoterapia is therefore a smile therapy causing HAPPINESS 'but at the same time eases the pain (physical and otherwise).
It has been shown by the medical point of view that laughter has a positive effect on the immune system, reduces anxiety levels and has other beneficial effects.
seems our grandparents were right, then, when they recited the saying the rice makes good blood .
Conventional medicine has rediscovered in the '80s the effects of emotions on the immune system arise as new disciplines such as his gelotology (ghelos in greek means laughter) studying the healing power of laughter .
What do you think of everything ...
Smiling is not only beautiful, brings happiness but it can even be a source of help so: SMILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
With one small gesture can go a long way. I believe it because a friend helps me a sincere smile in the worst moments.
I leave you with this wonderful poem:
A smile costs nothing, but it is very
enriches those who receive it and who gives it.
Lasts only a moment,
but its value is sometimes forever.
Nobody is so rich that they can do without,
and none is so poor that they can give it away.
At Home brings happiness,
infuses courage in the effort.
A smile is a sign of friendship,
an asset that can not be bought, but only to give.
If you find a smile there who can give,
donatelo you.
Because no one has so much need of a smile
as one who can not give it to others.
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