Wednesday, December 31, 2008
How Much Hormones In Yaz
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
World's Biggest Tech Deck
Ivan, who is from Palermo, is hospitalized in the department pediatric hematology / oncology. His face, punctuated by a sprinkling of freckles, be switched immediately to a bright smile just begins to tell his experience with clown-doctors.
From that day the clowns have become familiar figures to Ivan, which particularly welcomes their skill in magic tricks. "One has taught me a magic trick very funny, which is to put some coins inside a bag and then let it disappear before their eyes in disbelief of who is watching you. But I can not reveal the secret, I promised the clown-doctor. "
images of a cartoon on TV frantic chase near the bed on which Ivan is lying, his feet distils an IV fluid which is filled . I like to see in action with their clown skits. I'm really funny and sing well. They remind me of Robin Williams in the film Patch Adams, for him the best treatment is to make children laugh .
Ivan attended the seventh grade, his passion is to design and is crazy about the Simpsons. It 's a strong child, to confirm is the mother who has words of gratitude for the clown lane.
Cervix High 2 Days Before Af
so I wanted to try to deepen the curious world of comicoterapia or also known as ClownTerapia. None of you ever seen the movie with Robbie Williams' Patch Adams?
The smile is considered a business card that tells how you relate to others but not only ... Laughing is much more, is an effective tool in the process of curing a disease.
The laughter can be compared to a medicine for the sick and not for the disease.
It has been shown by the medical point of view that laughter has a positive effect on the immune system, reduces anxiety levels and has other beneficial effects.
Conventional medicine has rediscovered in the '80s the effects of emotions on the immune system arise as new disciplines such as his gelotology (ghelos in greek means laughter) studying the healing power of laughter .
What do you think of everything ...
Smiling is not only beautiful, brings happiness but it can even be a source of help so: SMILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
With one small gesture can go a long way. I believe it because a friend helps me a sincere smile in the worst moments.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Samantha 38 G Full Length
How To Make A Dirtbike Cake
Missed Period And Upset Stomach
During these hard months of the year for the Italian School, our School has not been isolated from the protest, even becoming exemplary character. On October 27, in Piazza della Repubblica and a Coordinating Assembly, stressing the need to create a united movement in its many facets, of common purpose in spite of the homogeneity of the forms of protest adopted.
the following week (27-31/10), unlike other schools where it has failed creating a chaotic and unproductive, the component of our High School Student has been able to agree on steps to responsibly protest unmatched in the history of our Institute and Land : morning co-managers, occupations pm, participating in demonstrations.
To you photographic evidence of this period of activism Civil !
Monday, December 22, 2008
Frustration, Game Rules
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Chronotherm Iv Plus Connection
The painting seems to be the art form chosen by the deaf, for whom the visual mode is a privileged means of expression and communication.
The painting was inspired by the encounter with the American deaf poet Clayton Valli. It was later reproduced as the cover of the videotape containing the poems of the same valley. The subtitle
that the author wanted to work, and make explicit the message is: " The silent language of hands, in the harmony of nature .
Inspired by the creativity expressed by the poems in sign language, Zuccotti pictorially represents a concept of "creativity" that is not sound or noise: is peace, silence fruitful nature speaking, communicating hands.
S. Lavo he studied at the State Institute of the Deaf in Rome. Taught himself began his artistic works by design and graphics, then dedicated to the manufacture of ceramic masks and sculptures in clay, plaster, wood and other materials and then try color: tempera, watercolor, and finally oil. He currently teaches as a volunteer, design and staging of deaf children Silvestri Institute in Rome.
S. Lavo is the author of the monument to the deaf Porta Pia :
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cervix Mucus Before Periods
I suggest a small play ... I had fun trying to test!
Look carefully at the photo and choose the right answer. (.. To see better figures to distinguish the different signs and double click on the picture .. you'll see bigger and clearer)
Introducing solutions: home, free, happy, touchy.
How did this little test??
I guess I have personally only two ... :-)
What Should I Wear Ina Tornado
The groups with the largest number of variations are the days of the week, months of the year, colors and nouns are not frequent.
>> Uno stesso significato viene espresso in modo diverso nelle varie lingue, vediamo le diversità del segno per “mamma”:
Nel primo caso la parola "mamma" è detta in Lingua dei segni Danese, nel secondo caso Lingua dei segni Italiana, successivamente Lingua dei segni Cinese e infine Americana.
In your opinion, all these differences between nations or cities are caused by some specific factors?
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The gestural communication of deaf people has been known since antiquity, but is beginning to be studied from a linguistic point of view only since the '60s. The researcher William Stokoe was the first to demonstrate that this form of communication is not a simple gesture, but a true language , a visual language with its own vocabulary and its grammar, able to express any message.
One of the most common clichés continues to be the belief that it can be universal. As with oral languages, sign language, in reality, it differs from country to country and within each country can still find various dialectal forms.
spoken thus: Langue des Signes Français
American Sign Language (ASL)
Brithis Sign Language (BSL)
Italian Sign Language (LIS), etc. ..
curious attempt by the World Federation of the Deaf who in 1975 published a book "Gestuno" containing a list of signs "international". The goal was to create a sort of sign language shared global use in meetings and exchanges international.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
How To Program A Remote For Emerson Ewf2006
I would like to take this opportunity to open a small parenthesis in my blog and talk to Frank, a child with serious problems that have arisen as a result of complications during childbirth.
This child is currently in California to attend the special care. Frank's mother has made many appeals, including on television, asking for aid is involved from all of us so that this child could undergo therapies that are only abroad.
responded to these calls by many people and even my small town where his grandparents live in St. Francis.
Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to personally meet this wonderful boy but my parents and other acquaintances said they were surprised by how much a simple smile of this child we have made happy. Francis does not speak, not moving, not eating (an almost vegetative state) until a few months ago and responded with small sounds, looks and smiles only to caressing mother that she has always been close.
Today, as I said earlier, is in California where he is following the specific treatments that have allowed small to make strides. The small hours unable to eat (the swallowing problems were mitigated), is able even to sit for several minutes, holding up the skull and many other achievements.
Parents are very happy, hopeful but also concerned about possible repercussions. The love of these parents is enormous, given the many "adventures" that have and are facing daily. The mother of Francis
site updated daily, in a sort of diary, improvements, they are experiencing difficult times.
Every so often I stop to read these extraordinary remains strong with admiration. The strength of this family is amazing.
I hope to have the opportunity to meet in a few months when this baby will be back in Italy. I only had a little experience last year in a community of boys and men with disabilities or carrier of some disease and was fascinated by love, joy broadcasting.
Unfortunately, sometimes you forget they were "very fortunate", or are remembered only occasionally. If any of you want to know the experience of Francis visit the site I mentioned before ... It is the pain! You will find the story of this child, his achievements, difficult times, many photos and video.
I propose in this post some photos of this .. In a sample of which you see the time when it failed for the first time (even if supported by the support of the sofa) to sit for a few minutes ... Superfrancesco Force! !
Friday, December 12, 2008
Superpump 250 Mix Creatine
But do not you think that maybe now, this is hampered by the new media? think of using mobile phones, or chat?
I am tied to this new medium, like most young i, and frankly I would struggle to imagine life without ... Today you can hear any person anywhere but when you are face-to- face "with it ..." all falls down "... it feels a little awkward at times ... especially if it is a person who sees and knows very little.
I think the phone or chat rooms are very useful resources on the one hand but at the same time "obscure" some features of Communication. These new media can "mask" with ease what you feel or think and have time to question ...
In this form of debate I think that there are two very different extremes.
one side lie those who defend the use of mobile phones or instant messaging because they believe that these means can not in any way be considered a barrier. According to this view "digital communication does not replace the relationships between people but rather it increases the breadth and makes ongoing communication and harmony."
the other extreme are those who are hostile to the use of such means. In this' perspective highlights the negative aspects that are related to the use of means such as mobile phones, chat, etc. .. It is believed that "Cell phones are bad," producing an endless list of damage they cause to health: they emit radiation that can continuously be harmful to humans. Can cause memory loss, headaches, mutations in the DNA even cancer etc etc ... In this context arises the question: "Would not it be better to give an appointment to see each other in person?"
I personally think that they are two extremist views. The truth lies somewhere in between. What do you think?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Can Black People Get Japanese Eyes
... speaking of nonverbal communication so far I wanted to emphasize the importance of hands, but this is not the only means by which this form of communication is realized.
nonverbal communication in fact invests all our body ... Think of a look, a smile .
I think it's very interesting the study of proxemics (how to manage personal space, distance between the partners) or a posture, the Chinese (the study of gestures, their common feature is significant), or interpret the thousands of expressions and emotions that reveals the face (physiognomy).
Knowing all these aspects I believe are important when one relates with any person, big or small, and of any ethnicity.
Important in this context to remember that it is impossible not to communicate (the first axiom of communication by Paul Watzlawick)
During communication I can ask what are non-verbal signals that allow me to discover the lies that a caller can hide. These lies can be seen from their faces "signal detector is the look ...
you ever understand what a person meant by a simple glance?
Surely this is possible if there is a form of empathy between interlocutors.
also non-verbal communication unites all humanity ...
I think it is a means of international communication that allows a minimum of dialogue between any generation, ethnicity and culture. How nice to see him at least in part that "different" ...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Burning Sensations And Hair Loss
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pokemon Ruby Gameshark
Washoe lived most of his life at the University of Nevada, where the experiments were conducted on the language that made it famous, was then transferred to 'University of Washington where he remained until his death, announced October 30, 2007. Washoe left many descendants, some of which, as the adopted daughter Loulis, passed on the knowledge of some of the gestures that had learned in life.
Songs To Dance To For A Talent Show
The film that I've been told to be very curious is " Mr. Holland's Opus", a film but not overtly dedicated to deafness awareness and realism that deals with the problems of a family that is upset by the birth of a child deaf and the difficulties of communication between deaf and hearing impaired.
This film is about the life of Glenn Holland, a musician and composer who begins to act as a teacher per guadagnarsi da vivere mentre nel tempo libero persegue il suo vero obiettivo: comporre una sinfonia che lo renderà famoso. Ma cosa ci può essere di più paradossale e inaspettato, nella vita di un musicista, che avere un figlio sordo?
Alcuni critici sostengono che "si apprezza maggiormente della pellicola la veridicità con la quale viene descritto il percorso di una famiglia con un bambino sordo: il primo impatto con lo specialista della medicina ufficiale che suggerisce la via oralista per favorire l'integrazione e il divieto esplicito ad assecondare i "gesti" del bambino. La sofferenza dei genitori nel non riuscire a comprendere la propria creatura. E quindi la via della lingua dei segni. Dapprima vista come un disperato tentativo, poi perseguita with tenacity and conviction, especially from her mother. "
The film manages to intrigue by comparing with skilful, the world of sounds with the world of the protagonist of his son's silence. These two worlds, that seems to never be able to meet, to the end of the film cross. when Glenn Holland will direct the institute at the concert for the deaf son a helping with lights and sign language. This incident put an end to misunderstandings and emotional communication between parent and child.
lyrics John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy", which Glenn will sing at the concert dedicated to his son, contains the verse " Life is what happens to us while we are committed to making other plans ", which is the summary of the film and is a metaphor for what happens to the protagonist: he believed that his destiny was to become famous composing symphonies and instead reaches its full realization without even realizing it, communicating the passion for music to his students.
any of you seen it? I'd love to, maybe because I was able to recover and watch the short, I can compare with you to hear your impressions ... ... ...
Monday, November 24, 2008
White Stripes Give Me Headache
In questo mio intervento,quindi,vorrei riportarvi alcune notizie concrete, testimonianze che mi hanno molto colpito: a sostenere che anche persone non udenti possono ballare,suonare, cantare e fare TUTTO come le persone "normali".
Questi sono alcuni pezzi di un articolo pubblicato sul quotidiano Repubblica intitolato " Felicità è sentir musica con le mani ,a Agrigento il primo rave per sordi " che mi hanno sorpreso maggiormente:
"...Non è vero che per capire la musica bisogna per forza avere buon orecchio. Quando l'udito non funziona e il mondo fuori è muto, basta [...] Lasciarsi attraversare dalle vibrazioni delle frequencies, move them from the hands to the body and up in the head. Interpret. And move to ritmo.Non be impossible to do if, tonight, we want to try at least a thousand young deaf [...] we are all gathered in Sicily, in the village of San Leone, Agrigento, where the stroke of midnight you will get the first real, big rave party ever held in Italy for deaf people. A celebration of summer, outdoors, with equipment giant to shoot really high, that music. All upon them, the people of the Deaf, and through them into the sea, behind the square, because it absorbs the waves of waste, such as in the walls of a nightclub [...] And so the deaf dance, moving the rhythm of the vibrations ... "
Andrea a young deaf boy who organized this rave said later in that he distributed to each participant as a balloon" ... Keeping them in our hands, we deaf children we feel the vibrations of sound waves. This will be our way of listening to music, and dancing all night. "
Andrea also emphasizes the presence in the London DJ Troi, 34, the" father of the disk for the Deaf in his first Italian experience (even him deaf: deaf DJ. Deaf in English means deaf) "I've contacted through its website - Andrea continues - we met virtually, webcam, speaking the language signs. And he has accepted the proposal to come here, to Agrigento, and play for the Italian boys. "
This rave is anticipated by football and volleyball tournaments, exhibitions of three deaf dancers and a group that sings the laugh! with the signs, other artists will read poems in the language.
The novelty, in fact, is the open-air disco, but especially this day without communication barriers will mean integration: in fact participate in both deaf hearing people, all together, challenging each other in sports and dancing the same music.
The deaf children want to go out of their isolation, they love to dance, feel the rhythm, and they want to communicate and know each other. The then music is universal: you connect to the outside world, you hear us or not.
I propose a further testimony of a deaf boy who still has a wonderful relationship with the music deaf Mark Vuoriheimo The rapper, aka "Signmark" has interviewed
- As a "feel" the music? with the body. You can do it too. Go to a night club with earplugs ...
- From what comes your stage name? Well, just looking for something that would combine my language and me: my name is Marko and I speak with the "Sign language"
- When you decided you wanted to be a "singer"? I was 14 and although may seem strange I loved the music, dance, songs. At that time, however, in the school for the deaf do not teach anything about music. I translate the songs of Bon Jovi or Coolio. My friends were amused, but others, including some teachers, came to me and said "forget it, you're blind!" Then I decided that I would one day concert. And here I am!
- Are you a other than making music? Yes, I work as a lecturer at the University Humak sign language. But I have less time for the concerts.
- Why do hip hop? Do you think it's the best kind for sign language? I like the hip hop beats and strong bass. I also like the ability in building the rhymes of rapper. When I saw the first hip hop video, the way they move their hands, I said "this is my style!"
- Who writes the lyrics and the music of your songs? I write the lyrics together with Heikki and Brandon are my "voice." Kim and Heikki are the base, then I choose. [...]
- think that the language of the deaf should be taught at all? least a basic level, yes, and then they can always be useful to talk when there is noise, if you have a friend or a deaf child.
- Do you believe that your work and your commitment may be an example for deaf people? I think so, but especially for the non-deaf! must make them understand that we are all human and we can do the same things . Nothing should stop you . Deaf people have simply another language, a silent language. Do not listen, but we can "feel" better than people twice "normal . The deaf community is a bit 'one big family, worldwide. If you read something you'll find a lot of amazing things.
After these life experiences can not add anything to express my opinion ... a lot already ... What do you think?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ovarian Cysts And Bed Wetting
Recently, some scholars and musicians have shown that in reality is not so ...
Assuming that every deaf person, like every man is a source of continuous discovery, that the deaf are like us, living in a world like ours, these scholars come to say that even deaf people actually listen .
Unfortunately the problems of the deaf seek little or no attention in our society.
Deaf people are hungry and greedy "sounds. This "delicacy" is inherent in every man and comes from life in the womb, which is called by some scholars Before Orchestra. Every mother in the months of gestation, talking to the child with the heart, as the mother's emotions affect the heart rhythm. The maternal pulse conveys emotions to the child. These experiences are rooted in the memory the original sound of each one of us, even of deaf people.
Surely some of you will ask: What 's this possible as people who are deaf from birth, however, have not heard?
Lascolto complesso.E is something 'wrong to attribute the play of sounds, noises, words in the ears only.
Deaf people feel as we because their hands are our ears .
Deaf people feel the vibrations, have a way to get their sounds. How?
... through their body !
All of us receive sound waves through the body, but we have developed a sensitivity about how deaf people.
Deaf show that there is only one way to listen, which passes through the ear but there is also vibrating body.
listening involves the entire body. The skin receives the vibrations as well as the skin of the eardrum, which then allows you to hear sounds and noises.
deaf or deaf and dumb people know the world through their hands, give the names of things through them.
This leads us to think, reflect and ask: What I served my hands? What do I need? What do I do with my hands?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Christian Body Image Songs
These days there are several situations which led me to think about the silence ... ...
So I wondered: How will the world to people who are deaf or deaf and dumb?
can not hear the voices of the people but only their lip-read, can not hear the sounds of nature, do not hear the music, everything around them is dumb ... ... ... As a kind of black and white movie without sound ... ...
From this point of view it would seem that the deaf and dumb people can not do anything, they are not able to lead a 'life' normal 'instead live a life like ours.
During Lis of which I spoke in the first post I had on the fantastic opportunity to see a movie (if I can find it surely will put in the Annex) where some guys deaf mute dance, play different instruments, were the actors in the theater or cinema.
so I want to 'leave with a simple question: In your opinion how do these people to dance without being able to hear sounds, music?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Man With Copper Red Hair
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Convert Recliner To Swivel
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Outlet Mall -- Eastern Shore Md
The gate opens and James Brown makes his entrance in split shouting "Aaaaaaaaaaauuuuuhh! I feeeeeeel gooooood."