Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jesse Jane Best Streaming

Live dall'Aula Magna della Facoltà di Psicologia

http://it.justin.tv/universitaricesena # / w/602339392

Here is a link to track what is happening live!

World Most Beautiful Nackedwomen

How Do You Find Your Wwe Title Belt

What's happening in the Great Hall of the Faculty of Psychology Cesena of the Polo!

We discuss the bill, listening to live by the Chamber, and presentations by students, researchers and professors Faculty of the Polo Romagnolo

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pantsing In Tv And Movies

Tomorrow large gathering in Piazza del Popolo, the students guarding
the MASINI FONTANA, from 9 am onwards !
our MPs will vote tomorrow the (non) Reform Gelmini,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stay Free How To Put On

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Phrases For Congratulations On New Born Baby

Se il nudo non basta

habit. Even the events that initially caused great sensation with the habit has become banal.
It just so happens that it becomes normal, where a billboard image of a naked woman squatting with the slogan "Climb at no cost" sponsors of photovoltaic panels.
Almost all now use similar strategies, it is not known, it is not surprising, unless someone is not gonna make you notice. That someone in my case it was the program Rai Tre "PresaDiretta" with the "SenzaDonne.
The use of the female body, stereotypes and sexual references is only a prerogative Italian? Giovanna Cosenza, associate professor of semiotics at Bologna University, analyzed a well-known multinational brand: "Abroad, in Europe, is the same product, the yogurt with a variety of people, children, adolescents, women, men, elderly and older joyfully jump to live a life of what brand yogurt. It 'an incredible difference, very clear. In Italy we have a girl curled up, naked and with a mouth painted on the body and in Europe we have all kinds of people who in their daily lives happily laugh, jump exchange effusions, smiling, chatting, marked by a life of that mark . And we are assigned the usual dose of body, even for a yogurt. It 's easy to see how artistically original, but some spots are not given space to other situations of life than the "relaxing break".
stereotypes that women are hard to shake, for example, if the door has the "dust" the husband calls his wife to put her away (trouble in an advertisement that a man knows how to take on household attitudes!), Affecting even the most children: children who are modeled on the submissive role of women in the kitchen to work while her brother, not only does not help, but can also afford to make mischief, and all this only for the slices.
And apparently only women in Italy, with rare exceptions, are in able to sponsor household products, while in Spain there are those who have been able to use only male actors, but also to win many awards and give considerable visibility to the product with the slogan: "Ellos tambien pueden : por el Department of igualitario trabajo en casa, "(Although they can: for the equal distribution of work at home). Not going in the direction taken by everyone, not using the shortcut of the naked woman or sex, have been able to attract much more attention.
But this is perhaps also thanks the English association "Autocontrol" which, as we read from the site, aims to ensure good publicity, true, legal, honest and fair, this company has the distinction of being financed both from advertisers, advertising agencies and media. Across Europe there are agencies of control, but this is the only visionary advertisements before they reach the public.
So where does the problem seems to be an "Italian"?
Perhaps it is not only the target you are trying to hit the weak point, but just as it goes in the hierarchy we find that the presence of women in management makes the difference. Since it is very strange that the employees of the same German multinational are treated differently when they return from maternity leave where the variable is critical if you work at the Italian or German. And guess which of the two employees will receive the most discriminatory treatment?
One approach then would be to introduce a law, as was done in Norway, Spain and now is also being discussed in France, which imposes the quota of women in the CDA, at least for listed companies.
Polato Gianni, who spent several years in London and the U.S., working as part of "online marketing" and making detailed studies on the use of "imagery" as the behavior of Internet users subjected to advertising campaigns, d ato us his opinion on role of women in advertising and managerial career.
"In developed countries (mainly USA and UK), she plays a commercial decision, it is not just mere consumers of content, but also in the cockpit along with male colleagues, and has roughly the same level of power. Based on my personal experience, I think that the presence of women in decision-making ports more balance to what concerns the management of advertising. That said, it is absolutely true that women make decisions better than men, for what I saw in my years in London and the U.S., there are differences in managerial ability between men and women; are all very smart, they are all very competitive, ready to be the best allies and worst enemies of each other. The fact that career women are faced with the burden of giving birth to children in reality does not mean anything to them with regard to advances carrieristici simply because every department of the large Corporate always aim to have the number of women and men almost equally. Understanding that the maternity leave are paid and do not involve "being set apart", so the promotions will not be blocked or slowed.
happens very often that women in marketing are much higher numbers than men. I still remember a of my great leaders that at a meeting at the end of semester, said, "I beg you, try to take even a few men every now and then."
This automatically makes it clear that any thoughts that lead to a vision of "inferior" woman is nipped in the bud. Indeed, it is almost never present in the Anglo-American culture. The Latin macho womanizer is sometimes seen enough and sometimes with contempt, and certainly 'seen as a sort of "primitive attitude" and not only women but men too Anglo-Americans. To the point that a joke is forgiven and sexually compatible if it is to an Italian man, but is seen so terrible if it is a male English. Then an advertisement voltaic panels containing a naked woman would have very big problems to be discussed and even proposed. And if anything passed, would immediately criticized and under attack by the media, which means an advertisement enormously damaging to the company name involved.
And here it is easy to see that stereotypes and icons used in advertising are completely different. This does not lead to a final result of "better society", but involves, in the final, only a "different company". I say this because both the U.S. and UK in particular have very serious social problems, then type the alcoholism and drug abuse that plague so devastating the entire society, starting with cla sse young people up to the more adult i.
In parallel with this analysis, it is a fact that the people of Anglo-American loves to travel and holidays, especially when abroad. The reason for this is not always easy to understand, but what matters is that large part of advertising campaigns using as a "trigger" the main package holidays, flights in air, tropical islands, with swimming pool and cocktail parties (note : parties with alcohol, music and swimming, but do not use the classic spaghetti with a table of friends). And all in a young or juvenile. Only in cases such as advertising for insurance companies can see images of small families united, peaceful and mostly affluent. The rest is tied to the lifestyle associated with post-graduate.
Cars, clothes and mobile phone are objects of great interest, but do not determine if you're the winner. On the other hand, must be one that always goes to the pub and one who travels often, otherwise you're seen as a loser. For which good taste and design are appreciated, people in sight on the crest of the wave treat their look, but there is no obsession behind these values, as in the Italian world.
But then this does explain why the classic male English does not have much interest in the car driving or for women who had, while deeply attached to his evenings at the expense Pub, where he drowns in beer and talk about where he was on vacation and where he will spend his holidays will soon do so. And for women it is almost the same level, despite the orders of magnitude lower with regard to alcohol and drugs, but the phenomenon is the same when it comes to holiday icons and some free time and dreams. In fact there are men and women in equal numbers both in flight and in the pub.
conclusion, an advertisement that contains naked women that should attract the attention of the male which, sexually aroused, he decides to buy, if done in countries like USA or UK, would be seen so horrific, would not have happened and a sea a lot of problems serious. It is different if the disclosure involves a couple, where perhaps the master is to act as a woman, then in that case - with the woman who controls and decides - nudity, if moderate and not push too, could be seen as acceptable. Also there may be a good logical connection (such as advertising on contraception or on honeymoon or similar things). Otherwise it is something that is not financed primarily by those who decide "what to use" for campaigns. "
If you sponsor a product aimed at women, perfume, underwear, it is natural to use women actresses, but to eyewear, photovoltaic panels, a coffee maker or a bath I think you could use a little 'originality and cleverness as well as innovation without take the easy way out by all bar where sex attracts attention.
Unless, of course, do not talk about contraception, AIDS prevention, combating the phenomenon of homophobia, poverty in the world or onset of anorexia and see the people who suddenly will claim the legacy of the Papal States or those shocking images that ruin the appetite.

Alexandra Lea

Blu Blockers Commercial Lyrics

We look forward to our evening college! :)

Does Katesplayground Have New Stuff

I disturbi del sonno nelle patologie psichiatriche

I sleep disorders are often signs of other psychiatric disorders or organic that need further study. In this case they are defined as secondary sleep disorders.

Sleep and depression

According to the form it takes, depression may be associated with both an increased desire for sleep and excessive sleep (hypersomnia), and a decrease quality and quantity of sleep (insomnia). Insomnia affects approximately 90% of depressed subjects .
  • sleep latency becomes longer: the depressed take about an hour to fall asleep
  • decreases the amount of slow-wave sleep ( restful and restorative sleep) about 1 / 3 compared with normal subjects.
  • the depressed subjects tend to maintain sleep for a few hours and wake up very early in the morning. That 's what the most critical moment, in which patients feel more distressed: the peak of suicide in depressed subjects is around at 6 am.
  • the person wakes up many times during the night.
  • the Sleep efficacy, ie the amount of time spent asleep compared to the total time we spend in bed decreases by about 40%.
  • the depressed person spends more time in REM sleep rather than sleep.
According to a study Riemann 2001, the relationship between depression and insomnia is not a one-way and insomnia is not just a typical symptom of depression but, conversely, can be an independent risk factor for its occurrence: sleep a little short, making it more depressed . Sleep seems so closely related to depression for some patients, total sleep deprivation (the person is prevented from sleeping for a few days), or a selective REM (the patient is awakened every time you enter into REM sleep) seem have antidepressant effects, although limited in time.
Sleep and bipolar disorder
The various forms of mania (excessive elevation of mood) are typical of bipolar disorder has a constantly reducing the time to sleep. These patients wake up refreshed after 2 or 3 hours of sleep and seem to have an actual reduction in their need for sleep during the course of the episode manic or hypomanic.
  • The sleep latency was increased
  • the continuity of sleep is interrupted
  • the total sleep time is significantly reduced.
is important to note that the spectrum of sleep disorders in manic patients are not related by lack of sleep, impaired functioning or subjective discomfort.
The reduction of sleep time is accompanied by motor hyperactivity,
incongruous behavior, irritability and aggressive manifestations both in the daytime than in nighttime.
Insomnia in mania often precedes the onset of specific symptoms and may persist even after the episode its resolution. In many cases it may be aggravated by the abuse of coffee or taking psychostimulants.
The reduction in the time of sleep is a nearly constant prodromal symptoms of manic episode and may occur before the onset of other signs of excitement. Consequently
has a special importance in view of a diagnosis, early treatment and prevention, especially in later episodes. It is known as the acceptance of each type of therapy when the manic episode has been blown
is very low given the lack of awareness of the disease. However, you can
that the patient accepts the treatment is specific for the incipient manic episode that symptomatic sleep disturbance in this prodromal phase is carried out if an early diagnosis.

Sleep and schizophrenia

Schizophrenic patients tend to sleep and abnormally low: about 50% it seems not even have restorative sleep (slow-wave sleep). In schizophrenia because the amount of dopamine (a neurotransmitter involved in the processes of supervision), increases considerably, as in people who slept little.
  • increased sleep latency
  • reduction of total sleep time
  • latency reduction REM.
The data reported in literature are relatively weak, poorly correlated with the conditions and time course and was especially influenced by antipsychotic treatment, even if temporarily suspended.
Recent work has assessed polysomnographic abnormalities in a group of schizophrenic patients treated at their first episode ever. The data indicate a difficulty in initiating but not maintaining sleep in this group of patients.
At the clinical level, we can distinguish the two conditions in schizophrenia, which require different therapeutic approaches.
  1. The first condition is represented by psychotic episodes characterized by delusions, hallucinations and cognitive and behavioral disorganization. These episodes, unique or recurrent activation are accompanied by behavioral and emotional experiences particularly intense. Fear-fear, anger, hostility, hyperactivity, mental and motor may be present in these episodes and influence on timing and methods of sleep. Sometimes, hallucinatory experiences particularly intense in the evening may be an additional factor of disturbance. During acute psychotic episodes, sleep latency was increased, sleep is discontinuous, its total time is reduced. The determining factor is the iperarousal emotional, sometimes aggravated by persecutory fear of possible violence that may be perpetuated in the unconsciousness of sleep.
  2. The second condition is characterized by stages of schizophrenic illness where apathy, listlessness, adynamia, loss of ability to plan and alogia symptoms are dominant. In this condition, where the iperarousal is generally low or absent, a common sleep disturbance is the total or partial reversal of the sleep-wake rhythms (patients sleep during the day and lie awake at night). In this stage of the disease on the total sleep time is not reduced, rather it is often increased (up to 10-12 hours), also depending on the intake of antipsychotic drugs, but the time dell’addormentamento e quello del risveglio sono spostati di fase.
Giocano un ruolo importante nella schizofrenia anche fattori come un disturbato rapporto con l’ambiente, l’abuso di sostanze lecite (caffè,
nicotina) o, in alcuni casi, illecite (doppia diagnosi) e alterazioni proprie della psicopatologia schizofrenica.
Sonno e disturbi d’ansia
L’ansia può essere un sintomo o rappresentare un disturbo categoriale indipendente. Come sintomo is present in various degrees throughout the psychiatric disorders, such as disorder is classified in several syndromic entities that are part of the spectrum of anxiety disorders.
  • In Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) insomnia is an extremely common symptom. It is present in 80-90% of cases, is represented mainly by difficulties and delays in falling, but it can be presente anche come insonnia centrale e terminale. Quasi costantemente viene riferita una cattiva qualità del sonno. Per queste ragioni è nel GAD che si riscontra la maggiore incidenza di abuso o di uso improprio di ipnoinducenti, in genere benzodiazepinici.
  • Nel Disturbo di Panico (DP) i disturbi del sonno sono un sintomo poco frequente, soprattutto quando il DP non si associa ad un quadro di ansia generalizzata. Il DP può essere associato a risvegli parossistici in cui sono These cognitive and emotional symptoms of panic attack, as well as tachycardia and tachypnea.
  • In Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), sleep disorders are present with high frequency, difficulties in falling, early morning awakening, poor quality of sleep often associated with REM parasomnias (terrifying dreams).
    • in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), recent work has shown an incidence of 58.2% of insomnia in a sample of patients with severe obsessive. Insomnia is prevalent initial (often due to continued execution of rituals).
    polysomnographic data in anxiety disorders, taken together, showed a reduction in the total time (TST) and sleep efficiency and increased sleep latency in accordance with the clinical findings. (Bench, 1992).

    When sleep disturbances are the consequence of another disease, their treatment is not related to sleep properly, but the care of the problem in question, which is reflected indirectly on the quantity and quality of sleep.

    Lucia Emperor
    courtesy of www.psicozoo.it

Friday, November 19, 2010

Any Viruses Going Around In Ohio

Being Educator

Hello to all ...
as you probably noticed is a lot more that I do not update my blog and I'm sorry ...
'm now in its third year of university and this blog has been a useful means through which I met during the first year Computer Science ... I spoke at length in previous posts in the world of the Deaf and lilnguaggio LIS in recent months and I'm looking for a strurrura accept that these people do rtirocinio but you are getting a hard adventure ...
So I asked ... 's so little known that reality? Or perhaps they are "penalized" because I live in a small village and not in a big city?
I hope I have so I could compare in my future work with deaf people because it would be a challenge that I would try ... ...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nagging Pain In Left Lower Abdomen

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Can Fogger Get Rid Of Mice

Some more information about the protest to be held Wednesday, November 17 at Cesena.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bible Quotes On Relaxation

17 Novembre: si scende in piazza!

Ad Reform Gelmini today is frozen. The Audit Office has stopped due to lack of funds needed to cover the amendments. These were made following protests from the academic world and beyond.
public education is coming of a new "plague" because of the Finance Act 2011 for those who were not informed: they are provisions for the formation of the annual budget and multi-state, and is the main legal document stipulated by the Italian Republic to regulate the economic life of the country). After the sharp cut all'FFO Fund (financial transactions), less than 1.5 billion euros, money that is used for the daily maintenance of the University (for teachers salaries, payment of bills of various buildings ...), the Minister for 'Giulio Tremonti economy will hit the Right to Education. This body supports student services, such as: scholarships, students, student associations, books for children in primary schools ....
from 246 million in 2009 to 25 pass, 7 million in 2011 to arrive at the end of 2013 to 12.9 million euros. About 95% less than in 2009.

have been found, however, funds amounting to EUR 250 million to fill out the required size. This means that the individual will suffer a deduction of 3 million euros.
For all these reasons, you are welcome, everyone, without exception, the student demonstration to be held Wednesday, November 17 to Cesena, on the occasion of World Day of Right to Education. Event that will engage students at all grade levels from kindergarten to university.

, beginning with Corso Cavour to get the public gardens in the course G. Garibaldi (from "Mad" and "Caffeine") where in the afternoon classes will be held in the square. At 18 there will be a candlelight vigil called "the light of reason" which will arrive in Piazza del Popolo.

do not know if this event will change anything, but we have no choice.
We must stand up and make our voices heard. Do not stand still we go to watch those who want to take away the future.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Average Clothing Size Women Us

LA PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA' IN PORTOGALLO: Un'intervista al Prof. José H. P. Ornelas

Hi everyone, I'm Ross Cupid, first-year student of Master of Science in Psychology and School Community. Currently I am in Lisbon, where, unfortunately, is about to end my Erasmus period.
few months ago, after she ISPA (Institute of Applied Psychology), I thought it important to know the real and current situation of Psychology Comunitàin Portugal, hence the idea to request an interview with Prof. José HP Ornelas, president of C. d. L. Master and Doctoral Program in Community Psychology ISPA, as well as the first president of the European Communities of psychology already. I think this interview may be useful to the students of C. d. L. in the Science of Behavior and Social Relations, which will have to choose which path to take, and (above all) to my colleagues in school psychology and community, as it gives a broad perspective on this branch of psychology at the European level.
I hope you enjoy reading!

To begin with, I know she is a professor here ISPA (Institudo Superior de Aplicada Psychology), director of the Master Degree and Graduate Program in Community Psychology, Director's degree in Community Development and Mental Health, and above all, know who was President of the European Association of Psychology Community. I think it is very interesting and important for students in this area of \u200b\u200bpsychology to know how you can reach this professional level: Can you tell us what was your path? What are the most important steps?
Therefore, we ISPA began our work here in 1987, with two locations: one at an academic level - with a single course in this University-and the other, very important, in terms of action we wanted to create a nongovernmental organization (NGO) to intervene outside. This level of intervention was very important to involve other people, to strengthen the field of study and to meld the academic side, since the Community Psychology, as you know, has a dimension not only academic but also action in the sense of territory, of social change ...
So as to its origins to Community Psychology-who was born in United States in 1965 - was applied to the area of \u200b\u200bmental health, mental health change, the transformation of psychiatric hospitals, the transition to the community and later is very diverse, even here, in 1987, NGOs have dedicated to the same area of \u200b\u200bthe change in mental health in terms of various changes: we have created different structures within the community for people who came from hospitals, which were beginning to integrate, find work. We started by giving them a home, assistance and many of our students here have done their internship within these NGOs, and later, other areas have been developed and have been consolidated in academic: for example, even in women has created an NGO, women's organizations against violence, and other fields of action, more recently they have another kind in the area of \u200b\u200bprevention of sexual abuse of children, and have been growing in parallel with other areas ... So it was that was born the Department of Community Psychology, following the Master and is currently also a Ph.D., also in Community Psychology [...].
Returning to his initial question, before he became president, had created an informal network: just a group of people interested in Community Psychology. Then we started to gather inclusive: every two years did a congress, and this was before the creation of the Association. We did a conference in Rome in '95, then in '98 we did here-we have the poster with the dates of various conferences in Berlin, then ... It was a very interesting process, a good idea: an informal network of people who had not yet an organizational structure ... Knowing each other so we went up to create the association, and then to Naples in Naples was the first meeting, when there were elections for the association, me, since I was in the network from the beginning, I had worked for the network since the beginning, I'm running-c 'was another candidate, and won the election ... to Naples: I am very glad it happened because in Naples before discovering the Community Psychology, I found the Community Psychology in 1980, the United States, where I did my PhD in '76-(... Wow, I'm already past 30 years! ... you say in the last century, was the nineteenth century! [laughter]), from 1976 to 1980 I was in Italy many times to follow the movement of the Italian Democratic Psychiatry, a Basaglia ... I said that before discovering the Community Psychology in the United States, I found the movement of the Democratic Psychiatry in Italy so I am very pleased to have been elected in Naples ... in Naples or anywhere else in Italy: It was very important knowledge gained from the Democratic Psychiatry.
Thereafter, Community Psychology has gone much beyond the Democratic Psychiatry, who has not discovered
everything has been little investigated. But his contribution was very important because it made us take our work here-here in Portugal, in terms of integration: not only have closed hospitals, but we have also integrated
people in the community [...].
Very interesting ... So in your experience, I think we have an overview of community psychology at the European level and, more particularly, in Portugal: what is the situation? Investigation and intervention are highly developed these days?
Yes, in Portugal we have historically always what I call a perspective atlantistica. Portugal is not on the Mediterranean, but the Atlantic, so much so that when I meet immigrants from the east, Russia, dall'Ucrania etc, and I ask them "How did you come to Portugal?" I often meet them " Why is the end ... I could not go beyond !".[...]
To answer your question, I was always very interested in this link: here we have the School of Community Psychology, a school Atlanticist, ie a school liaison between Portugal and North America: are Many of our students going for a long time in the U.S. ... We also have many Erasmus, Europe concerns us, but we especially many protocols, many strong ties with the United States, for which our Community Psychology is highly systematized, in both research and the question of social change, not change only as a social movement, political, general and abstract ... I try to explain: in Europe there are more of my colleagues who are critical, ideological generalists: they speak of the state, critique of psychology. But how is it that it puts an end to serious situations, as it puts an end to mental hospitals, domestic violence, sexual abuse on children, violence against women in general, how you change the role of man in society, the relationship between man and woman, how did you change in the social system in practice? This is what we demand an Atlanticist, and what we demand in Canada, the United States ... In Europe there is this perspective, then there exists a critical perspective of psychology, social critique, and there are other movements linked those of Latin America, to which we are very critical ...[...]
An 'another thing that characterizes the psychology of community here-this is also interesting is that this-Community Psychology is a psychology Community of "democratic". What does this mean? We believe-and this is another thing-Atlanticist we firmly believe in democracy: democracy for us, European, Western, has in itself all that is required because the Community Psychology can do all the various changes. There are other schools who do not believe in this democracy and want to make a revolution. What we want to do here is to transform and deepen democracy: democracy allows us to do all that we intend to do:
there is no ideal of community psychology that is not feasible in the context of EU democracy. This is another difference Community Psychology between democratic and non democratic, such as a Community Psychology revolutionary "marxizzante" that we criticize. We are a team of psychologists to community critics of the Marxist model. We are critical, very critical, because we believe in democracy, believe in a democratic system
, we do not believe in a social revolution, as in Latin America. Is seeing the difference between being a Latin America or be Atlanticist, revolutionaries, political ...? As co-exist? It is very difficult, but this is the other
thing for which I am happy to have been elected to Naples, because the other candidate was the other perspective ... I 'm running e. .. I won! [Laughter]
an example of what I mean: you may know that next week there will be a World Conference on Community Psychology, Puebla, Mexico. My contribution will be exactly how we make social change here. I chose the theme "Social Change: How to achieve it" will the example of the homeless and will also speak of how you can place in the world of work people with mental disorders, giving them jobs
competitive, unlike the Italian cooperatives. .. I am critical, I do not like unions because they are not NTEGRA in a natural system. Is seeing the connection, the contribution of Psychology Community for Democratic Psychiatry?
do not know if I'm answering your question ... Portugal suffers from very large influence on the part of
North America, because the foundations of Community Psychology have been placed in the United States in 1965, in Swampscott Conference. Just as psychoanalysis was born in Vienna, Austria, in the late nineteenth century, the Community Psychology was born there. There are many Europeans who want to impose the origin of Community Psychology in Europe, but they do not want to follow the change: the New World is now, Europe is the last century.
I have no trouble accepting this, therefore, about what that said, the global vision of Community Psychology, which is why I told her that the situation is very diverse. I am clearly an Atlanticist: the project of investigation we're doing with the homeless is in collaboration with our Canadian colleagues, Montreal and Ottawa: therefore, we are studying this phenomenon in North America. Portugal is a bridge between North America and Europe, is the front door of the great innovative ideas, but not an uncritical and passive transition, we are partners, there is a critical exchange with each other. They too are to take from us our ideas. For example, the program "Little House on First" was born in North America, but we have the innovative elements in several respects: they put the homeless in large apartments and rented three houses in the same building
, but we do not do so, we place each person placed in different homes in different parts of city. The second difference is that they have a multidisciplinary team with psychiatrists and other professionals working in
the homeless, we do not have this, we put people to serve the community, we're innovators, we are not just a port passive.
back to some concepts I mentioned earlier, what do you think are the main differences between the Community Psychology in Portugal and the in Italy?
Well, there are many differences even in Italy, very different. If the question was: "What is the difference between here and the Community Psychology Community Psychology Critical-current European Union-which also exists in Italy?", The answer would be that the Critical Community Psychology is dedicated to the very critical of the system Name: for example, instead of removing people from the street, as we are doing, is able to make a speech about an hour browsing and Capitalism that made those people miserable living on the streets, that the social and political system does not address thoroughly the problem of the wretched street etc ... We do not make these speeches: we do a program, we remove 50 people from the street and show that this is better. We influence the leaders democratically elected and we get what we call "change public policy, namely: scientifically proven through an assessment that the program works, which is better, and turn them into public policy.
To summarize, this is the difference between our Community Psychology ISPA here and some other different currents, the difference lies here: we work hard to find items of social change [...]: not make a social revolution, but we remove the homeless from the street ... And when the critics do not believe in psychology democratic system and goes to give money to people to get them out of the way, we show that this does not work: we have received € 500,000 to remove 50 people from the street! Western democracy has all the potential in its democratic constitutional order for us to turn around. Portugal decided yesterday, the eighth country in the world, that people of any sexual orientation can marry. Who would have thought? Only a democratic system in a country that was fascist until twenty-odd years ago, a totally Catholic country ... only democracy could ensure that gay people can marry yesterday. Is seeing? What can I say, democracy allows extraordinary things ...
... You just a matter of working practice, we say "roll up their sleeves ...
Yes, but this is not enough: you have good ideas. Here we teach our students to learn to think in order to have a constructive dialogue, so that the University is a place of idealism, which explore innovative ideas such as that of the homeless, "The House first," a brilliant idea ! Using globalization as a means to find good ideas, not rejecting it as a bad thing, only linked with the economy: there are good things that we can use.
So we do not just pull up our sleeves, but have good ideas to influence and change public policy: we have a great power! We can not stay in government, but we have more of a great power for social change, although very often you do not have this perception. If you currently present a proposal to the rulers, they must immediately, they're here or who are at the EU level, they should consult experts to assess the quality of the program. This is a new thing, that community psychology can and should use ...
In light of this, then, can you tell us what is your prediction for the future of the sport in Portugal and in Europe more generally? That is, things for the future of community psychologists will be better or worse? Here in Portugal
improve Of course not! For example, in October we will have a national meeting: will be the first national meeting of all the people who work in the field of Community Psychology ... you already have in Italy and do it every two years, but we were not still doing it, therefore, to September ISPA in the journal "Psychological" there will be a whole number, dedicated only to Community Psychology.
... Europe ... In Europe things are always continuing to grow: there was the last conference in Paris last October ... Paris, the city of Psychoanalysis, the site of a conference on Community Psychology, and also very well done! The next will be in 2011 in York, England; I know that others are opening new departments in other countries, including EU: Romania has a new department, the Czech Republic also, will this global meeting in Puebla-two years ago was in Lisbon, the first year is been to Puerto Rico ... Consequently, this helps the growth of Community Psychology in Europe: a lot of people are going to attend these meetings ...
And in terms of research, what is the situation here ISPA? You can work in this field?
Yes, from now on he will research more and more we now have a Ph.D., we have two areas available for PhD-to-last January and this is spectacular, is the second specialization with more students here ISPA, after the Clinical Psychology. Henceforth, the search will become more systematized, because people will start to do, in addition to the thesis, even a doctorate.
Even at political level and be our research is much appreciated: we got here, for the first time, that 1% of GDP ... not much, but the first was 0.2% ... 1% only for research: it is extraordinary that a country has a
pay only 1% of GDP for research, scholarships, PhD ...
Very interesting! ... Now, to end, wants to give advice to future community psychology? Then
: study hard in theory, knowing the theoretical ideas of the main founders of Community Psychology (the ecological perspective is essential, a major innovation the ecological perspective, that makes psychology a psychology independent, autonomous thinking ecologically ...) ; aim at the revolutionary transformation, not criticism, not in abstract terms, not surrender to Critical Psychology, but to develop the psychology of change processor (I am a critic of Critical Psychology [laughter] ... maybe because when I was young I was too ' I am a psychologist, critic, criticism and moved to the company ... not today, today I am a scientist first attack all the processing ... in general, not now).
The spirit that I propose to adopt is: "Tell me what's the problem: we do a conference by the way, we design a program and social transformation. In any area ... AIDS in young people, prevention of intimate partner violence o. .. anything!
Very good! Thank you very much for your availability, and for your time, thank you!