Monday, July 6, 2009

Where To Buy Louis Vuitton Stickers?

To Dada

nailed, I turn around suddenly and throw me to the ground Merlin pounce. We on the other side but there is still a clown dog, and after giving me four sleccazzate in the face, is produced in one of the craziest hucklebutt ever seen, even ridicule from the most famous of the bull stupid youtube.
As I wipe your ass and try to give me a tone before Giacchettone that teases me with Claudia, I realize that Pinolo is talking to a lady who does not seem to know.
"Yes, ma'am, but we're heading the well, if you want we can go together. We are a company a little extravagant, but certainly in great company. The dog is very good, I swear, it looks scary but it's the most faithful knight of the breed. "
" I do not know, here is completely different, so ... strange. But I am not referring to your appearance, I've seen worse, and then with you is Claudio, how could I not trust! "
I feel my stomach getting in my throat and I can not breathe, to think, to stand. The slaughter devastated me and my heart breaks, I know very well who is the lady's not fair!
again he ran like crazy, scream and cry and ears are the words of my sister, "Do not waste time, I beg you ... do not waste time and tell people you love what you feel," is a loop, not still, it repeats and repeats, louder and louder, so loud as to make me crazy ... Giacchettone I landed with a tackle worthy of Ma'a Nonu and then pulls me up to give a resounding slap in the open hand.
"What's wrong with you, Claudio? Things are already so difficult here, you go ahead and take it from selfish sentimentality? It 's good to know what you are' strange ', otherwise you would have done to try to new sense of rupture and detachment from everything che amava. A volte mi chiedo perché non ti diamo un calcio in culo una volta per tutte."
"Anch'io me lo chiedo, e molto più spesso di te. Okay, torniamo là, farò in modo di starle vicino e cercherò di alleggerire il suo stato d'animo, okay?"
"Lascia stare, ci ha già pensato Pinolo. E comunque proseguirà da sola, così ha deciso. Trova meravigliosa questa diversità da quanto le era noto e vuole girovagare un pò prima di raggiungere gli altri. Con un sospiro ha anche detto che le ricorda un set cinematografico. Andiamo, dai."
"Non l'ho nemmeno salutata..."
"So much the better."
I think Dada and I shake your legs again. I'm near. If only I could tell that from here there is a great peace, is a spectacle, all right, if I could filter to the sense of calm and get it up to you, maybe in a dream, to relieve your pain, if only to ensure that there is a sequel, the path continues, there is still much to discover ... but I know the weight loss, and I realize that my, as usual, are just bullshit. I am with you, this is the only thing I can tell you.
Claudia me a withering sguardo e si gira, riprendendo a camminare. Pinolo mi mette una mano sulla spalla e abbozza un rugoso sorriso.
"Grazie. Ma non diciamo altro, zero parole, ora nulla ha senso."


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