Monday, March 16, 2009

Opening Prayer For The Debutant

"Oh my goodness! You are crying, Sir. But you are dead, Are not You? "
As in my delusions, ethyl alcohol, also the grandfather of Norma speaks. But in English, I can not believe, if this thing is possible even crazier.
"Dead men do not cry, sir."
I look into my eyes and realize how the genes of this dinosaur there sharks in the standard. And still talking about them, "genes" is a big word. ... Of all the dead
"Merlin. I have to speak English or I can do it in Italian? "
Continua a guardarmi senza rispondere. Cazzo, identico alla nipote, due ritardati. In effetti, la prima volta che ci incontrammo non pensai di essere al cospetto di uno dei massimi intelletti della razza canina. Praticamente un tronista: bello, nerboruto e stupido, tanto stupido. Nato per scopare e fare splendidi figli. Stupidi come lui.
Mi odora una gamba dei pantaloni, mi guarda di nuovo e se ne va scodinzolando verso Giacchettone.
"Ciao Merlin, good to see, everything fine?"
Il bull scodinzola e piscia su un rovo che urla un irato e sgraziato grazie e comincia a smadonnare.
"But you tell me, well we beat the quote Dante. But it was black dogs, you're a jerk white ..."
"I Beg To Differ, sir. If there is a. .. Okay, get it over with. I speak fluently Italian, my dear little shit, well as my granddaughter. And I'll tell you, if not enough in my language skills to make me something more than a 'tronista', I'd like you to note that the episode of the Divine Comedy to which you refer is held in the second round of the Seventh Circle. Virgil and Dante forward in a forest not marked-up "
" Okay, Merlin, okay, I get it! I apologize for having underestimated. I'm sorry, I always thought I was a fool no good, or better, only good for one thing. But I realize you made a mistake. Please forgive me. "
" Not at all wrong, I was just being alive that you described. Only post-mortem I have gained this knowledge, and it was not even to my request, I have saddled saying that one day I participated in something very important to someone very powerful. I hope with all my heart that this is not you or someone you. One dead, a giant pine nuts and a sort of scarecrow dressed as a lumberjack with a Bulgarian prostitute. But what is the remake The Wizard of Oz Marcantonio Andoh? "
" Touché. But if you dare to give me one more time we'll see if the bitch also mourn the dead bull. Heck, it seems the title of a trashy soap opera ... and anyway I am Italian. "
" Hmmm ... if I close my eyes and see you, I'd say you're more un'it alien. Got something strange girl. I'm not sure that you are completely reliable. And dogs can trust us to issues of trust, forgive the repetition. "
Claudia stares at him askance. Merlin holds the eye and then barks, wags his tail and go back to pee on the bush this time exclaims.
"accursed dog! You that you were proud and pugnacious defender of human life, Acconci did not treat me holding out his ass and covering me stinking of urine just got the God thing your impoverished and dry your loins, because you have lost any royal legacy! "
In response, the bull grins and walks away singing "La Guerra Di Piero."
I am speechless. And excited. I do not know anything for Claudia, the words of the grandfather rule they put a flea in his ear bigger than those of a homeless dog. I trust you just because it is a friend of Eleanor. But who is really? And based on what I believe I have followed to help me? Help, even here there is a fucking sure. I also have a bit of fear. The sky has been done brown-colored blood. Retaliation of the sky, now is the time that the land pay. And there will be no discount for us poor people. As usual.
At a time like this to me what comes to mind? A proverb revised and corrected by my friend Maxine Degenerhate of "the body is the virtue of the dead."
Even from here I'm a fool. There, now means that I have a certainty.


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