Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cockiest Quotes Sports

disturb the universe?

Piazza Caravani meriterebbe di finire sulla topografia della nostra città.
Nei percorsi degli autobus e nei passi dei trentini.
Nelle immagini da calendario e nella memoria collettiva.
Ci starebbe bene un bell'albero, in mezzo a Piazza Caravani, con tanti bei fiori d'estate and colored leaves in autumn. Benches sunny and shady benches. Reading corners, crossroads of chairs placed in a circle. There we would see good stalls and street performers, rides and a small fountain drink.
Caravani Piazza would be a great meeting place. The Assembly of

Caravani while planting questions is an experience that, scattered here and there sprouts and brings new possibilities to challenge the habits and mechanical responses.
not already a good thing?
new awareness in all of us have matured and new voices were heard. New synergies, new emotions and a lot of good questions.
There's one that arose Thomas Eliot, and tonight we want to write about sky in the caravan: "I dare disturb the universe?".


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