Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Largest Curling Irons

Welcome back. Great Ball of

The caravans come alive once again, return to be filled life as in the early days of their existence. The square of the caravan and new combination of words, feelings, dreams.
In the early days of the year some families present in the container of the former barracks Bresciani had returned home to Romania to spend a few days with their children, their parents.
Since last Friday, "the people" in the caravan returned to live in the Desert Road. This is perhaps an indirect response to those who said that this group, these people were deprived of a clear migration plan. We believe that it is not. We had no doubts.
The next day, Saturday, January 26, the streets in Gardolo brought together a banner that read: "Roma racism." They, too, in solidarity with the boys Gardolo, promoters of the event "the League League. Break the silence."

A wonderful experience, as all those experienced by the Roma evicted from Ex Sloi, who shows us how we can be opposed to racism and intolerance.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weekend Wedding Welcome Wording


Our bikes swaying in the wind, someone recognizes him in his nose and hair. The hair dryer is a wind from the north and makes people like in a state of fibrillation, between joy and excitement, according to the theory of the winds "of fingers.
We realize that the north wind blows more strongly to the trailer, leaving you with you smoke cigarettes butts Fast and dissatisfied.
Someone takes off his hat, and greets us like a real gentleman, a salute to yesterday's stage sets for Fellini. We enter a Caravano, we open the door, there are just as welcome to them. Talk quiet and peaceful, sometimes violent, simple words. As long as the hair dryer does not filter between the jambs of the window and hits the first women, then all. A music gypsy frolic in the air, a sudden the dance floor moving mattresses and bed and start the Grand Ball of the caravan. Involve us in that snap your fingers and feet that move between hesitation and want to overdo it. Someone from outside the window looks out and squeeze a wink. Our fingers and our wrists were soon exhausted, but our smiles never tire.

These days we are on the side of the Network of Young Gardolo, and we want to focus on the appointment on Saturday at Liberty Square.
we do not want in any way set aside the experience with the Roma from the former Sloi, continuing every day to meet with their caravans and tell emotions and thoughts.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Samanthas 38g Clip Movie

Cracks in the wall of indifference ... In addition

A group of guys take Gardolo word, calling a press conference today, to say No to the League and its racist culture. Something is happening ...

This is the text of their flyer for the convening of a meeting.

against hatred and indifference


As most of you know, here in the Northern League Gardolo attacked a group of people of faith Islamic, mostly of Pakistani opposition to the creation of a legal venue and prayer condominiums at Poker. The Northern League has also decided to implement a petition "against the mosque."

Apparently, or so reports the local newspaper, In less than two hours were collected around 200 signatures. Thus emerges a completely distorted and misleading picture of the reality of Gardolo. We who live there know how a diverse community of individuals who believe in the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance, equality, and fraternity. Therefore, after the silence of political institutions, we decided to take us to the initiative.

We are a group of children who attend different realities, those coming from the Oratory, who by scouts, who by the student group, who from the community center, outraged at what is happening on the silence of those who should speak and the talkativeness of those who every so you'd better be quiet, as the ladies of the Northern League militants.

Motivated by these reasons we decided to come together. An 'idea was born from a few but after a little word of mouth has found many other young people interested and willing to participate. A rare event is the first time that Gardolo young people gather in a meeting like this, but the severity of the situation has turned spontaneously to ask how unhealthy it is possible that certain ideologies, which are the legacy of a strong ignorance of the members of his Northern League party, advocated and may be disclosed without firmly opposed by those of us who want to live in an open Gardolo and tolerant.

With this we want to start a cultural and political battle. There is no room for prejudice and racism. We hope to be the promoters of a long process in which common to other realities. Together we can bring forward a different approach to politics, no longer based sull'insulto opposition to the "different" but based on equality and peaceful coexistence, without any form of racism.

We will us guys at the meeting for the first time Monday, January 21, to discuss the incident and possible ways to express our disagreement with all this brutal and racist initiative.

We hope that you, as we feel the duty to denounce the intellectual paucity of these people, to show everyone that Gardolo is different from that describing the League.

We will work all the way to fight against hatred, intolerance and indifference.


Rete dei Giovani di Gardolo

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Note Taking Pen With Camera


Surficchiando in internet, trovato un messaggio
che può interessare. Eccolo!
Oltre l'assistenza
Fabrizio Valletti S.I. Gesuita della comunità di Scampia (Na)

When they meet many people with very different demands, the main effort is to try to grasp what is true, what are the real needs, what goes on in the hearts and minds, all things that sometimes words these do not match. We can not speak of sincerity or not, but a way of being, used to depend on, waiting for others to resolve personal problems or family, even claiming that the models need to show how consumerism.

is painful to deny aid, it is difficult to accompany those in need in a training course to independence. Yet it seems the best way, perhaps the only, including a comparison with the real possibility, not of assistance, but the concrete expression of their abilities. Social services do not often go beyond the analysis of need and who is defending itself from guaranteed to play the game, not investing its resources in projects of change. The real problem is particularly pronounced in the suburbs is the growth of the drift, a departure from the expected development and security, as well as being irreversible, it will increase the instability of those who believe they are immune from any crisis.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Do I Preserve A Real Cake For Display

against hatred. Against indifference. Dare we

early January, the Northern League of Trento sets up a gazebo in front of the garage of a house of Gardolo complaint and that within it some immigrants gather to pray. put up posters with the portrait of Bin Laden the entrance of the and calls cleared. Workshop Social send a letter to the newspaper L'Adige, that is published.
That point should touch the brutality Northern League before someone says something? How far must go to the hate campaign that in recent days has again touched Gardolo before the silence is broken by the cries of indignation? What other unworthy placed and what other racist gazebo must be prepared to give you a guilty indifference and force you to speak, in order to firmly reject a culture mean?
As emperor of the worst militia have even branded with a manifest squalid place of prayer for Muslims, desecrating the sacredness of the space consists of religious, spiritual intimacy pointing with disgust and invoking the law to prevent the exercise of freedom. And you not react.
They flushed out the people, insulted their identity. They asked for legality, and the courage of the mayor of Trent was not long in arriving: "If that will close the mosque is irregular." Instead of closing the mouth that offends you take the road of bureaucracy, you spend words to praise the "League's roots" and did not even attempt a political opposition, a conviction of the heart are unable even to offer another point of view to generate confidence and defending our freedom, which can prove the ideal alternative to the visceral leaguers.
Forced to hide in a room to kneel to pray while their persecutors run genuflections blatant in cathedrals who swear to defend from unbelievers. And no one reacts. Not even the bishop of the city of Trento, to whom we turn with respect, has been able to draw on the important ecumenical culture of his biography. Not even thirty and the church is deeply rooted religious defended the dignity of one who prays to a god but a different one, who meets hidden, neglected, in the catacombs before cultural and religious.
The League's lunge to the dignity of these people is yet another step in a campaign of platitudes, of ignorance and intellectual poverty. But a campaign that manages to captivate and involve wide parts of a city weakened, which indifferent, does not see that often, but sometimes hate it, joining the chorus of horrible political and cultural racism. While dealing with the political parties themselves, narcissistically engaged to dance around their navel and unions are limited to maintain function in their organizations. Everything is silent, the political institutions and party. The church and men of good will. Tace praised the humanity of the associations and the voluntary sector. A few isolated and timid statements of position, sometimes more in order to defend that. Indifference wins, guilty and complicit.
We find ourselves in a few, around a table, to reshape the "Workshop Social melting pot for our different experiences, to found a new place of participation, to start the construction of the alternative. Some volunteers from the road, some of Bruno activists, students, teachers, who speak of you. To challenge him. Why come to seek, to ask what you think, if you still think about it. to take a position, if you have one. We will get into your section of the party, in your churches, in the premises of the charitable and voluntary associations to ask you to react, if you still have nerves and muscles.
If you do not answer this time either you're completely bankrupt, lost his last chance to restore energy to culture, politics, solidarity with anticorpi del razzismo. Se non risponderete scopriremo ancora una volta che non possiamo contare su di voi, ma anche senza di voi ci impegneremo fino in fondo per opporci all'odio. E all'indifferenza.

Il cantiere di Officina Sociale.

Nei commenti gli altri contributi

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cockiest Quotes Sports

disturb the universe?

Piazza Caravani meriterebbe di finire sulla topografia della nostra città.
Nei percorsi degli autobus e nei passi dei trentini.
Nelle immagini da calendario e nella memoria collettiva.
Ci starebbe bene un bell'albero, in mezzo a Piazza Caravani, con tanti bei fiori d'estate and colored leaves in autumn. Benches sunny and shady benches. Reading corners, crossroads of chairs placed in a circle. There we would see good stalls and street performers, rides and a small fountain drink.
Caravani Piazza would be a great meeting place. The Assembly of

Caravani while planting questions is an experience that, scattered here and there sprouts and brings new possibilities to challenge the habits and mechanical responses.
not already a good thing?
new awareness in all of us have matured and new voices were heard. New synergies, new emotions and a lot of good questions.
There's one that arose Thomas Eliot, and tonight we want to write about sky in the caravan: "I dare disturb the universe?".

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pokemon Dawn Barefoot

the snow falls on us

Last night we went back to caravans, crowded with workers, councilors and psychologists rather than Roma.
Many of our brothers are in Romania to visit family, friends and native place, so last night we could all stay in a Caravano only.
Meeting calm and relaxed, someone already dancing on the edge of the world of dreams, others try to teach in Roma language improbable words, others recount a list of tools more or less official to have fun in the snow.
Meanwhile, operators of different origins (Meeting Point, Kaleidoscopio) happily participate in our discussions. We hope for real and will not need to control. Today's news is the involvement, of course, to our knowledge, the Cooperative Kaleidoscopio, who has been working with the Sinti in Trentino. Objective? Mediate between the Roma and the world out there. A subject more, which we hope will give value to the path taken so far by the caravan.

But although sparse and not very effective, the protagonist of the evening was the Neve, which evokes images of faraway places, but several possible moments of childhood, a whole feel of the reports slap ...

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is the determination of the leader of the social policies of the town of Trento custody to the Cooperative Kaleidoscopio intervention of mediation for the caravan.
discover that, at a cost of 2806.00 Euro the Kaleidoscopio will also "carry out mediation between the resident population in the" former barracks Bresciani and voluntary groups in times of socialization. "

Read here the text of the document