Monday, November 24, 2008

White Stripes Give Me Headache

Here's the real world of the deaf ... Some amazing testimonies!

In recent blog post I wanted to "throw a stone" in favor of this particular world of the deaf world ... there seems to be limited, other than when in realtà non lo è...
In questo mio intervento,quindi,vorrei riportarvi alcune notizie concrete, testimonianze che mi hanno molto colpito: a sostenere che anche persone non udenti possono ballare,suonare, cantare e fare TUTTO come le persone "normali".

Questi sono alcuni pezzi di un articolo pubblicato sul quotidiano Repubblica intitolato " Felicità è sentir musica con le mani ,a Agrigento il primo rave per sordi " che mi hanno sorpreso maggiormente:

"...Non è vero che per capire la musica bisogna per forza avere buon orecchio. Quando l'udito non funziona e il mondo fuori è muto, basta [...] Lasciarsi attraversare dalle vibrazioni delle frequencies, move them from the hands to the body and up in the head. Interpret. And move to ritmo.Non be impossible to do if, tonight, we want to try at least a thousand young deaf [...] we are all gathered in Sicily, in the village of San Leone, Agrigento, where the stroke of midnight you will get the first real, big rave party ever held in Italy for deaf people. A celebration of summer, outdoors, with equipment giant to shoot really high, that music. All upon them, the people of the Deaf, and through them into the sea, behind the square, because it absorbs the waves of waste, such as in the walls of a nightclub [...] And so the deaf dance, moving the rhythm of the vibrations ... "

Andrea a young deaf boy who organized this rave said later in that he distributed to each participant as a balloon" ... Keeping them in our hands, we deaf children we feel the vibrations of sound waves. This will be our way of listening to music, and dancing all night. "

Andrea also emphasizes the presence in the London DJ Troi, 34, the" father of the disk for the Deaf in his first Italian experience (even him deaf: deaf DJ. Deaf in English means deaf) "I've contacted through its website - Andrea continues - we met virtually, webcam, speaking the language signs. And he has accepted the proposal to come here, to Agrigento, and play for the Italian boys. "

This rave is anticipated by football and volleyball tournaments, exhibitions of three deaf dancers and a group that sings the laugh! with the signs, other artists will read poems in the language.

The novelty, in fact, is the open-air disco, but especially this day without communication barriers will mean integration: in fact participate in both deaf hearing people, all together, challenging each other in sports and dancing the same music.

The deaf children want to go out of their isolation, they love to dance, feel the rhythm, and they want to communicate and know each other. The then music is universal: you connect to the outside world, you hear us or not.

I propose a further testimony of a deaf boy who still has a wonderful relationship with the music deaf Mark Vuoriheimo The rapper, aka "Signmark"

... hat on his head, baggy pants and shooting, chains and hard-nosed. The aesthetic is all hip hop. And if the rapper "normal" gesturing, he more. Because every word is a gesture with his fingers and makes us songs. Even for those who can not hear the music. It's called Signmark, dress b-boy raps and with his hands. Sordo, but the music has it inside. Notes and deafness. Two separate planets. This was at least used to think, in ignorance of a world, the deaf, often treated with indifference. For some it will be surprising to discover that there are clubs for the deaf in which they dance to the rhythm of vibrations and psychedelic lights. And talk is not to raise your voice, but gesture. And then there's Mark Vuoriheimo, aka Signmarck. Finnish, 29, and his team leads around the world (he did a tour in Japan, Spain, England. Was also in Genoa last June for the festival of poetry) on the show, really opened at all, because his fellow stage and music and Heikki Brandon (hearing) sound at full volume while he "sings" his lyrics in sign language. They have a website and are working on their second album, as the first self-produced, funded in part by the Finnish Association of the Deaf, in dvd video, which has sold several thousand copies. has interviewed

- As a "feel" the music? with the body. You can do it too. Go to a night club with earplugs ...

- From what comes your stage name? Well, just looking for something that would combine my language and me: my name is Marko and I speak with the "Sign language"

- When you decided you wanted to be a "singer"? I was 14 and although may seem strange I loved the music, dance, songs. At that time, however, in the school for the deaf do not teach anything about music. I translate the songs of Bon Jovi or Coolio. My friends were amused, but others, including some teachers, came to me and said "forget it, you're blind!" Then I decided that I would one day concert. And here I am!

- Are you a other than making music? Yes, I work as a lecturer at the University Humak sign language. But I have less time for the concerts.

- Why do hip hop? Do you think it's the best kind for sign language? I like the hip hop beats and strong bass. I also like the ability in building the rhymes of rapper. When I saw the first hip hop video, the way they move their hands, I said "this is my style!"

- Who writes the lyrics and the music of your songs? I write the lyrics together with Heikki and Brandon are my "voice." Kim and Heikki are the base, then I choose. [...]

- think that the language of the deaf should be taught at all? least a basic level, yes, and then they can always be useful to talk when there is noise, if you have a friend or a deaf child.

- Do you believe that your work and your commitment may be an example for deaf people? I think so, but especially for the non-deaf! must make them understand that we are all human and we can do the same things . Nothing should stop you . Deaf people have simply another language, a silent language. Do not listen, but we can "feel" better than people twice "normal . The deaf community is a bit 'one big family, worldwide. If you read something you'll find a lot of amazing things.

After these life experiences can not add anything to express my opinion ... a lot already ... What do you think?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ovarian Cysts And Bed Wetting

world No more "silent" but ... ... Vibrant world ...

... In the previous post I wanted to focus on the silence of the world as a commonly deaf and dumb persons, deaf, or only, is called "silent."
Recently, some scholars and musicians have shown that in reality is not so ...

Assuming that every deaf person, like every man is a source of continuous discovery, that the deaf are like us, living in a world like ours, these scholars come to say that even deaf people actually listen .

Unfortunately the problems of the deaf seek little or no attention in our society.
Deaf people are hungry and greedy "sounds. This "delicacy" is inherent in every man and comes from life in the womb, which is called by some scholars Before Orchestra. Every mother in the months of gestation, talking to the child with the heart, as the mother's emotions affect the heart rhythm. The maternal pulse conveys emotions to the child. These experiences are rooted in the memory the original sound of each one of us, even of deaf people.

Surely some of you will ask: What 's this possible as people who are deaf from birth, however, have not heard?

Lascolto complesso.E is something 'wrong to attribute the play of sounds, noises, words in the ears only.

Deaf people feel as we because their hands are our ears .

Deaf people feel the vibrations, have a way to get their sounds. How?

... through their body !

All of us receive sound waves through the body, but we have developed a sensitivity about how deaf people.

Deaf show that there is only one way to listen, which passes through the ear but there is also vibrating body.

listening involves the entire body. The skin receives the vibrations as well as the skin of the eardrum, which then allows you to hear sounds and noises.

deaf or deaf and dumb people know the world through their hands, give the names of things through them.

This leads us to think, reflect and ask: What I served my hands? What do I need? What do I do with my hands?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christian Body Image Songs

We dance to the tune of silence ... ...

Hello everyone! I'm back here with you ... ...

These days there are several situations which led me to think about the silence ... ...

So I wondered: How will the world to people who are deaf or deaf and dumb?

can not hear the voices of the people but only their lip-read, can not hear the sounds of nature, do not hear the music, everything around them is dumb ... ... ... As a kind of black and white movie without sound ... ...

From this point of view it would seem that the deaf and dumb people can not do anything, they are not able to lead a 'life' normal 'instead live a life like ours.
During Lis of which I spoke in the first post I had on the fantastic opportunity to see a movie (if I can find it surely will put in the Annex) where some guys deaf mute dance, play different instruments, were the actors in the theater or cinema.

so I want to 'leave with a simple question: In your opinion how do these people to dance without being able to hear sounds, music?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Man With Copper Red Hair

The attack of angina as Piedigrotta explodes. I try to remain calm, to breathe slowly but I feel my heart is breaking, there is a vulture that tears me to pieces by keeping nailed with its claws are already a corpse, food for worms. Also worms. Seeking eyes my friends, but Claudia is sleeping like a baby and my beloved Eleanor I do not know where she is. I have no breath to release the voice and I can not walk, he fell down and crawled to the gazebo in the grip of a cruel and agonizing suffering. With a last glimpse of me will hoist the chair next to Claudia and I slumped there waiting for the end.
What do you think a man about to die? It 's true that his whole life passes before your eyes?
in fear and pain the most devastating ever tried, the only thing I can think of me breaks my heart making me more harm in four of angina itself. The absurd confirms that it's over between me and Monica.
If before I did everything to try and not lose anything now I can. How disgusting death.
pain suddenly ceases. Sbarro eyes and resume breathing with shortness of breath of a man saved from the waters, I thank every atom of oxygen that gives life to my being and I think I was lucky too, is a sign, this time really do away with alcohol -
"Claudio ...?"
E 'Monica.
I see the scene with his eyes. I'm sleeping with my head on the table next to Claudia in my own terms, but with little head tilted to one side. As you approach, Eleanor enter into the garden and seeing the scene, the blood freezes.
"Monica! I did not get heard, I was in the bathroom ... but then, what about?"
"He has been drinking?"
approaches me and watching me. I do not understand why I see myself through her eyes, but I tremble like a leaf.
"Who is this?"
"Claudia, my friend. She was, like, a bit exaggerated ..."
"It 's been out less than ten days, Jesus Christ! Eleono', but you too!"
"And I got to do? As if he could change his mind when he decided to make something!"
"Claudio? Claudio! But, he sleeps like a log. The ', come here and help me to carry him. Wait, wait, but it has also peed in the ...?"
Here Monica falls horrid abyss of awareness. Like a movie, the whole world revolves around and the camera is over the foreground of her face with her eyes wide and mouth open.
Giacchettone me puts his hand on his shoulder. Pine nuts if they remain on the sidelines, crying.
"Let's go. Now the pain of this plane of existence does not concern you anymore."
"But we will go on without me?"
"It 's a strong woman."
"Le mancherò...?"
E' Pinolo a rispondere.
"Come un padre, come un figlio e un fratello. Come un braccio o una gamba. Come il più amato degli amanti. Ma supererà il senso di vuoto e la perdita che reca il lutto. 'La vita vuole vivere'"
Dinanzi a miei occhi Monica distrugge il gazebo a sediate, involontariamente fa cadere Claudia ed Eleonora capisce che è in coma etilico. La mia furiosa erinni tenta di strappargliela dalle mani con tutta la forza che ha in corpo, costringendo la giovane strega a immobilizzarla con un Nodo Letargico.
"Andiamo, uomonimo. "
blacks hair, green eyes, black skirt and detachment of crazy legs. Also on this floor is an incredible waves.
" You're dead too? "
"No, I will remain in coma until you need me. I had promised you, and I do not ever stay the word. "
" Better. "
" Better? "
"Ooooooh, finalmente un morto allegro!"
Fisso Pinolo e scuoto la testa.
"Dove andiamo?"
"Prima di tutto alla riunione giù al Pozzo. Ti si chiariranno un bel pò di cose, vedrai."
Il mio amico immaginario sorride sincero. Giacchettone ci precede, ogni tanto getta uno sguardo verso di noi, è pesante il suo incedere.
"Norma. Cazzo, e Norma?"
"Non avrà problemi a fare a meno di te, tranquillo, a lei basta la tua donna."
"I already miss her."
"Really? Then know that we are not your only companions. Come on, first come, first know that you need to know."
dead, beyond the gate, I passed my afterlife. And now I understand the meaning of the word. Now I'm just other side.