Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Brown Discharge In Urine

Merry Christmas. At all.

... c `was not room for them in the hotel.
Luca 2.7

Christmas dinner that was held at the Bruno has become a party that has combined "traditional" Romania " friendship of those who wanted to share with the Roma caravans songs , dancing and a delicious menu and plentiful. Traditional cuisine with cabbage rolls with meat, rice and onion. Folck old music cassettes enlivened the evening allowing choreographies of yesteryear.
The same party - perhaps in the cold but with a meaning more - we would have wanted to do in the fence that encloses (or rule?) Containers of the barracks Bresciani. Strict rules have shut down all discussion. Too bad.
Merry Christmas. At all.


Global Project on Trent a reflection of Fabio
entitled Solidarity and radical

- see here

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Linda Goodman 2010 Predictions

Answers Shareholders' Meeting of Christmas

Immediate responses to requests from the Assembly of Caravani the Meeting Point, manager of housing units of the Desert Street:

December 24, 2007: the party and Christmas dinner can be held only from 19.00 to 22.00, in the presence of no more than 10 volunteers.

December 25, 2007: in any way the living units of the Desert Street will remain open during the day of Natale. Rimane invariato l'orario di uscita dai moduli abitativi alle 8.00 del mattino.

Queste risposte non vanno oltre la valutazione burocratica della gestione di un "centro d'accoglienza temporanea", non vedono la richiesta di dignità di un gruppo di persone - i rom insieme ai volontari - neanche di fronte al Natale e alla voglia di normalità di chi fino a pochi giorni fa dormiva sotto un ponte dopo lo sgombero delle loro case.

La vigilia di Natale, dalle 19 in poi, saremo tutti insieme in Via al Desert aspettando la mezzanotte per festeggiare - "in famiglia" - il Natale. Siamo sicuri che nessuno ci conterà all'ingresso. Siamo altrettanto sicuri che nessuno ci chiederà di uscire alle 22 in punto.


Linsey Down Mackenzie Does The Doctor

Caravani - 21/12/2007

In connection with the celebration of Christmas 2007, ' Caravani Assembly (composed of all the Roma Street to the Desert, by some Volunteer Road, and by the Centro Sociale Officina Sociale Bruno) asks to implement certain exemptions from the management of living units of the Desert Street.

In particular:

- for the day December 24, 2007 wonders that can access the forms living volunteers (part of the Assembly of the caravan) that day are on the side of Via Roma who live in the desert.

- for the day December 24, 2007 requesting that the Assembly will celebrate Caravani Christmas in the Holy of living units, eating together (dinner will be prepared at the Centro Sociale Bruno) and extending until the party at 1.00.

- for the day December 25, 2007 requesting that the housing units are not closed at 8:00 am but may be used for the entire day, not forcing residents to spend Christmas day in the street.

Given the few hours to expect an immediate answer.

Assembly Caravani

Friday, December 21, 2007

Drinking Statistics In China


Assembly: large meeting to discuss important matters of common interest (Source: De Mauro)

Tonight at the Centro Sociale Bruno a ' assembly that will participate together with the Roma people in solidarity with them that have rallied in recent weeks. Just
participation in decisions about their future - and then on "important matters" - make this experience a true battle of democracy, wins with dignity, to build a different perspective from that of exclusion and invisibility.

An ambitious path. A real path. To imagine a path together.