Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ny Unemployment Online

Cinque falsità sulla riforma dell'università. L'AIP sul DDL Gelmini.

The Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), which includes psychologists who work in universities and research bodies, believes that on the DDL on the university system, approved by the House and waiting to be approved again by the Senate, other commentators, academics, unfortunately, have provided the public with distorted and incorrect. While agreeing with the need to reform the national university system to replace it fully in the European area of \u200b\u200bhigher education and confirming their willingness to contribute with suggestions and advice the President and the Board of AIP consider it useful and necessary to draw the attention of legislators and the public out of 5 blatant falsehood:

1) It 'true that the DDL is a reform.
The bill is essentially empty, consisting of 500 rules, which require 100 implementing regulations, 35 of which are issued only by the government. In fact, these decrees will be to determine how the Italian university, not the DDL. While some of those shared principles (simplification, rationalization, attribution to a single structure "for the purpose of performing the functions scientific research and teaching activities), they remain indefinitely in the absence of implementing decrees.

2) It 'true that the DDL will reduce the so-called degree unnecessary and unproductive universities.
The bill does not address the argument at all. In any case, the decision on the activation of degree courses are taken each year by the Ministry itself, in accordance with criteria established by the previous legislation (Article 2, paragraph 5, p. 7).

3) It 'true that the DDL favors the opportunity to study to deserving students (Article 4, paragraph 1b, p. 18). In fact, not even specify the amount of scholarships, or the total funds for scholarships, or the procedures for awarding grants (we refer to national testing standards, but these are not specified as not specify who should create and administer). In addition, stock markets are independent of family income, in fact, this implies a reduction in the probability of getting a scholarship for students with low family income if there will be an increase in the total amount of funds.

4) E ' false that the DDL introduce meritocracy in recruitment procedures of university teachers.
fact: a.
enabling national scientific does not provide a maximum number of qualified, has no immediate consequences (in the recruitment role), depends on the evaluation of publications and curriculum of the candidates on the basis of minimum criteria established by the Minister in consultation with the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of higher education and research). Practically anyone with a basic level of disclosure will enable (Article 16, paragraph 4, p.48).
b. The actual recruitment then be decided by individual departments based on the vote of a majority of teachers (Article 18, paragraph 1, p. 50). A Department is free to hire anybody from candidates in possession of their entitlement. There's no advantage to take the most deserving, nor any disadvantage to take the least deserving, because the allocation of 10% of the fund so ordinary (FFO) is based on the assessment (by ANVUR) \u200b\u200bUniversities not of the Departments (Article 5 paragraph 5 p. 27). In a university with many departments to recruit a very deserving candidate does not involve substantial damage and the recruitment of a deserving candidate does not involve particular advantages.
c. The bill introduces a term that researchers remain so for up to six years (Article 24, paragraph 3, p. 66). Since there is no correspondence between the posts to associate professor and researchers, a number of them, while scientifically meritorious, can not be made permanent (the opposite of tenure U.S.). One consequence is that researchers must take time away from research to carry out professional activities that allow them to live if you do not get a permanent position at the University and to conduct any research to their "dependency" of one or more professors, because they depend on their eventual employment. In practice, up to 36 or 37 years, a researcher can not, in fact, have their own independent research.
d. The role of the current research is a time limit to exhaustion (Article 6, paragraph 4, p.31). Researchers will have to compete with fixed-term for the role but in the position of associate professor goal disadvantage, because they have already made. Their career will be effectively blocked, regardless of their scientific merits.
e. The bill abolishes both the confirmation period of three years for members that overtime. So, unlike today, once recruited into the role of teachers are no longer subject to an assessment of their scientific activity to allow non-productive if their dismissal. The only damage to the unproductive teachers is the lack of attribution of the shot three years.
f. The bill provides that a Department can not hire a teacher who has a family relationship with a member of the same Department (Articolo 18, comma b, p. 50). La norma è facilmente aggirabile: basta che ad assumere sia un altro Dipartimento. Inoltre il problema dell’Università Italiana non è l’assunzione dei parenti, ma quella dei non meritevoli. Quindi, questa norma, non solo non propone criteri meritocratici di assunzione ma impedisce in modo discriminatorio l’assunzione di alcuni, a prescindere dal merito. E’, pertanto,  chiaramente contraria alla Costituzione.
g.       Il DDL stabilisce che l’ANVUR valuti le “politiche di reclutamento” degli Atenei, ma non chiarisce cosa s’intenda per "Recruitment policy" (Article 5, paragraph 7 p. 32).

5) It 'true that the DDL will reduce the power of so-called "barons".
In fact, the power of the "barons" will grow much because the DDL attributes the decision-making power to fewer people and only to professors:
a. The bill increases the power of decision Board of Directors (who shall also give strategic direction) and decreases the number of members (up to eleven, for the larger universities). In eleven are included the three members external to the faculty and student representatives. Thus, only about six members of the Board will be academics (professors only) (Article 2, paragraph i, p.7).
b. The number of full professors will decline sharply in coming years because of retirements already provided and the opportunity to commit the funds released for the recruitment of new ordinary only to the extent of 20% (Article 12, paragraph 1, p.42).
c. Only the professors are part of the governing bodies of universities.
d. Only the professors are part of the National Scientific Commission for certification (Article 16, paragraph 1, p. 48).
e. Only the professors of the Department will decide, by majority vote, calling professors in that department (Article 18 paragraph and, p, 51).
f. All other components of the academic staff (temporary research and associate professors) depend for their career on a decision by the professors.

For the little that the DDL rule, therefore, the University shall be governed by a few professors at the helm of strong groups (in terms of alliances, not necessarily scientifically), composed of a majority of researchers and professors with no decision-making power and without independent research. The consequences on the quality of teaching and research can only be negative.
addition to Article 18, paragraph 3, p. 52 on the "Call of the professors, the DDL that allows the burden of the teachers call can also be charged to private individuals, after concluding the Convention for at least 15 years. Allowing the use of private contributions on condition that an agreement raises reservations about the risks of privatization, at least in part, the public university.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lifetime Fitness Monthly Fee 2010

Il letto è enorme.
Nel silenzio, Norma russa coprendo il respiro leggero di Eleonera.
E' rimasta con Monica, non ce l'avrebbe mai fatta a tornare a casa, ad andare a dormire da sola nella loro tana, in quel letto-cuccia che li accoglieva come una culla e chiudeva gli occhi dinanzi ai loro giochi.
Ma non riesce a dormire, cerca di non pensare, carezza i capelli dell'amica, piange senza emettere un suono, lasciando che le lacrime le solchino le guance.
Nel silenzio, Norma russa coprendo il respiro leggero di Eleonera, la muta disperazione di Monica e la ninna nanna di MaggiMario, seduto accanto alla nana bianca, che in sogno continua a inseguire la Coniglia Bianca.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bathroom Color Inspiration


Wednesday, November 17 through the streets of Cesena and the whole of Italy was held the event for the right study.
For the uninitiated this World Day of the student was not chosen at random, but to honor those who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of thought: the university students in Czechoslovakia 17/11/1939 marched in protest against the Nazi regime and for this have been killed, the same fate in 1973 to students of the Polytechnic of Athens who were protesting against the military regime.
And we have marched for what?
The parade started from the Faculty of Agriculture, met the students of Engineering which then were joined by architects and arrived in front of where psychology was joined by the computer and the upper-medium school to go first in the cathedral square and reach the public gardens, all united to defend public education, a school for sustainable over time school classes and less crowded, for public universities and independent research and quality. For a right to study is not rhetorical, but effective as provided in Article 34 of the Italian Constitution.
Many of us in Italy to take advantage of scholarships and without these the proportion who graduate can actually come down, as he put a sign in the parade: "Students out of the office: no money = no studies. "
many signs and slogans that reflected the common thought that without culture, learning and research a country is bound to dry up and die. Because there are many who go to 'abroad, to have a future here in Italy, no longer seems possible. not only brains but also money that would divide this economy when many factories are closing to move elsewhere where labor is cheaper and I would use these lines to respond to ladies in Piazza del Duomo has expressed the thought that in Italy are workers, plumbers, carpenters and electricians and that our future will be unemployed because there are too many graduates.
let's talk about a bit 'of figures: the Berco based in Coppull, Castelfranco Veneto and Busano Canavese has 468 redundancies or layoffs in zero hour, the Faenza Omsa closes (in surplus) aborting house 350 workers to open in Serbia, Fiat is also closing her for
oasis where labor cost is reduced, now if you get a job at the factory of these times you just have to kiss their elbows, to survive by the artisan of taxes, competition and crisis becomes impossible. And how
was reaffirmed in the public gardens no way detracts from any individual, any work should be carried out, any economic base has wanted to get an education.
Just the public gardens where the central moment of the day with music and speeches from the representative municipal and school for kindergarten to university has made its voice heard and a strong no to reform if it is done this way.
A serious crisis, however, worth noting is that day: If the student unions were constantly organizing, spreading the voice and keep alive the day, where were the students? Where were the teachers? Where were many researchers? This reform does not only cover non-resident students: ALL CONCERNED! And especially for outdoor lessons were only a few engineering professors and high school. WHERE WAS THE OTHER RIGHT '?! Where were the other professors? Where was I stress again, STUDENTS?
We were almost in a thousand that day, but could be many, many more. Make us feel more with her voice.
Finally the day ended with the march "The light of reason" that the public gardens to Piazza del Popolo has marched with torches and candles.
I was amazed when several passers-by asked us for what is known and join us. Maybe we have a little 'in sensitizing the citizens that Italy's future is being discussed now.
This awareness is evident in all the events that arise spontaneously in these days in Italy and many adults do not remember that if ever there were so many, we must also information about why you do so at the face of many who see these as mere opportunities to skip classes.
November 30 was held in Aula Magna of the spontaneous occupation of Psychology faculty and students of various courses of Cesena have come together to learn and discuss the reform, to hear the word of researchers and follow live what happened in other cities but also follow the discussion of the reform of the room.
on Facebook is born, also a group called "Cesena in protest" with the aim of uniting the forces of those (not in student unions and activists Cesena) who want to express their dissent against the Reform Gelmini.
information known, because knowledge makes you free.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Like Multifocas Contact

Video made by Italian students in Erasmus, against DDL Gelmini!
(thanks to contributions from an international envoy Anthony Cozzi)